Last week, I sat down with Jackie Walls of Jackie’s Hair A Go Go (838 1/2 Foothill Blvd.
La Cañada Flintridge) and we talked about what inspired her to open her wig store. In 1997, Jackie woke up and found her life ha changed. When she woke up that morning, she was overwhelmed with a burning sensation along the top of her scalp. “It felt like I had a blow torch set on my head,” she told me as we sat in her store last week. Not only did this burning sensation on her scalp irritate her, it also led to severe hair loss for her. Frightened by what her ailment, she went to several doctors seeking help. None were able to identify what her ailment was. Indeed, they gave her a very grim prognosis. It took the opinion of another doctor who had been recommended to Jackie by a friend to finally discover what the problem was. It turned out that Jackie had a very rare strain of alopecia, a common condition that causes baldness in people.
So she knew what the problem was. But what to do? She had lost a great deal of hair while she was seeking the aid of doctors. She visited her beautician and asked for direction. “What I suggest you do is to get out of here, go buy yourself a wig, and start smiling again,” was his advice. Jackie followed suit.
It took some work finding a good wig, though. It was also something of a traumatic experience for her as she dearly sought guidance regarding wigs and hair loss. While hair loss may not be particularly troubling to men, for a woman it can spell disaster. It was during this time that Jackie Walls began to think about a dream she had, to help other women like herself find comfort when confronted with hair loss.
The first thing one notices about Jackie is how knowledgeable she is about her products. She can tell you detail upon detail about every single wig in her store. One of the things Jackie has worked very hard to do is to show the world that wigs can be a fashion item just like a purse, a dress, shoes, and so on. The user can have fun with them. Whether a person buys them out of need because of illness or just because they feel like having some fun, Jackie’s Hair A Go Go has the quality selection and warm service that they need.
Don’t forget to visit Jackie’s Hair A Go next month on Saturday, Aug. 14 for your chance to find some exquisite wigs at sale prices. You can also stop by and say hello to Jackie Walls. Make sure to tell her that you read about her store in the CV Weekly!
Follow the Montrose-Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce via our Facebook or our website at www.montrosechamber.org. Our offices are open Mondays through Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Call us at (818) 249-7171 or email me at tayala@montrosechamber.org.
For all your shopping needs and more make your destination Montrose!
Ted Ayala is the executive director
of the Montrose-Verdugo City
Chamber of Commerce.