Ribbon cutting, NNO, Golf and Bingo
Plenty to keep us busy in the Crescenta Valley.

president of the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce. She
continues to advise the chamber and is an active chamber member.
Please join us on Thursday, Aug. 2 at the ribbon cutting for Mook Apparel & Goddess Design, located at 3800 Foothill Blvd. in La Crescenta. Mook Apparel is a one-stop shopping source for screen printing, embroidery, and fun items for that special thank you. The ribbon cutting/open house will take place from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Don’t forget our scholarship golf tournament on Saturday, Aug. 4. We’ll get you out on the fairway (grass) by 8 a.m. to enjoy some early morning fun, serve lunch, give away some great prizes and you’ll be on your way home, or somewhere, by noon. If you’re lucky and get an eagle on this par three golf course, you best hope it is on the $5,000 hole.
Individual players are welcome.
National Night Out – “America’s Night Out Against Crime” – will take place on Tuesday, Aug. 7 from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. National Night Out is meant to heighten awareness of crime and drug prevention. For La Crescenta, the Crescenta Valley sheriffs will have booths set up in the parking lot of Ralphs Market in the 2600 block of Foothill Boulevard. Numerous homes in Glendale will have block parties, sending a message that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. For more information on these events, call Deputy Valdivia at (818) 248-3464 (the sheriff’s station) or for north Glendale (Glendale police), call Officer Zakarian at (818) 249-8173.
The CV Chamber mixer for August is on Tuesday, the 14th at the Fire House, 2563 Foothill Blvd. The Fire House sits on the property of St. Luke’s that has donated the use of the Fire House for the teen center. St. Luke’s itself is built on grounds donated by Mrs. Louise Janvier who was among the early purchasers of real estate in La Crescenta.
Like Bingo? Here’s a chance for you to play and help the Two Strike Park Memorial Wall. On Friday, Aug. 17, American Legion Post 288 will host a community Bingo night at Holy Redeemer School, Healy Hall. Food and check-in is at 6 p.m., first game at 7 p.m. Cost is $10 for 10 games. Special thanks to recent donations from Home Depot, arranged by Assemblymember Mike Gatto, and a special fundraiser by Sebu Chatoyan of the Clothing Market in Montrose. Will Call ticket forms are available at the chamber office, checks should be made out to American Legion Post 288. Holy Redeemer is located at 2361 Del Mar Road. There is ample parking available.
Please contact our office or check our website (www.lacrescenta.org) for more details on all our events. We can be reached at (818) 248-4957, by email at crescentachamber@aol.com, or 3131 Foothill Blvd., Ste. D.