Success on the Course
Congratulations to all our early morning golfers that joined us at the scholarship golf tournament on Saturday. All participants are winners, but some actually had a little more luck. Coming in first place with the lowest score for men was Jason Padula, trailed by Mike Padula. Third place was won by non-Padula family member Jon Whelchan.
For the ladies, first place was won by our own honorary mayor Holly Heurkins. Second place was Pat Biermann and according to chairman Ken Biermann, Eleanor Wacker (who had problems getting off the tenth hole) came in third.
Special thanks to Chris Aristo, newcomer to golf, for being such a great sport. Chris may have struggled a little on the green but made up for it in the Fantasy Golf portion of the day. Fantasy Golf first place was won by Bernie Geestman, Chris’s father-in-law. All in all, it was quite a family day.
We want to thank, along with our early morning golfers, all the sponsors and prize donors who made this possible.
Don’t forget: This coming Tuesday will be our August mixer hosted by the Fire House. For years, community members like Nancy Stone, Mary O’Keefe and others tried to have a place for our teens to go. We now have it, but we want you – the community – to see it. The Fire House is located at 2563 Foothill Blvd. in beautiful La Crescenta (at the corner of Rosemont).
On Friday, Aug. 17, it’s the Two Strike War Memorial Wall Bingo fundraiser. What a fun and easy way to help re-build this memorial wall! A little bit of Bingo history this week:
Bingo can be traced back to 1530AD, and when it came to America in 1929, it was called Beano. By accident someone call out, “Bingo!” and the game had a new name. Bingo, with its 6,000 different card combinations, originally was played in the churches as a fundraiser, and by 1934, there were an estimated 10,000 Bingo games played weekly.
Did I mention this fundraiser was being held at a church (it’s tradition you know)? Did I mention we need to build this wall? Tickets for Bingo are available at the chamber office and we hope you will help. The game is being held at Holy Redeemer, located at 2361 Del Mar Road in Montrose.
Please contact our office or check our website ( for more details on all our events. We can be reached at (818) 248-4957,, or 3131 Foothill Blvd., Ste. D.

president of the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce. She
continues to advise the chamber and is an active chamber member.