»Montrose Shopping Park News

The MSPA Events Committee has exciting plans for you! Pictured from left are Jackie Bartlow from the City of Glendale, Montrose Ambassador Steve Pierce, Joe Kroening representing Sparr Heights, Ken Grayson of the MSPA, Robin Goldsworthy, CV Weekly publisher, Mary Dawson, Alyce Russell, Maureen Palacios, Jake Menachian, all MSPA board members) and Linda McMenamin (MSPA promotional coordinator).

This has been a very busy week for the Montrose Shopping Park board as we plan and execute our Halloween and upcoming Christmas seasonal events. Some unique and special things are in the works for our little town and you will want to visit often throughout the season. In the midst of all the planning, the Starbucks team came to our board meeting to present their well thought out plans for our town. However, it will be up to the City of Glendale, not the MSPA, to decide if they are a good fit.

Our meeting room was packed with merchants and other interested parties – and I came to realize something. Most people, including some of our own merchants, have no idea what the MSPA (Montrose Shopping Park Association) does or how it works.

Did you know that the Montrose Shopping Park is one of the oldest BIDs (Business Improvement Districts) in the state of California? In a BID each business is assessed by contributing a small percentage of their income for the privilege of doing business there. Those assessment dollars are then used to improve business within the district. The MSPA is the administrator of the district by contract with the city of Glendale. It is the City that then has the authority to grant zoning use certificates to those who want to do business in the Montrose Shopping Park.

The MSPA’s responsibility is to use its members’ assessment funds wisely to promote the Shopping Park through advertising, physical improvements and promotional activities that benefit the community and our merchants. These assessments have provided our town clock, maintenance of the Vietnam War memorial and the local COPPS substation. It also makes possible our spectacular Christmas lights and the family-oriented events that Montrose is so well known for like Old Town Christmas, Halloween Spooktacular, the Independence Block Party and Car Show, the Arts & Crafts Festival, the Sunday Harvest Market and others.

Those who serve on the MSPA board are elected by the member businesses and volunteer their time for the good of the town. To properly perform their duties, our board members must have the highest regard for the interests of the community and of you, our customers.

I hope this helps you to understand and appreciate what we on the MSPA do.

As always, thanks for reading and supporting the unique businesses of the Montrose Shopping Park.

Mary Dawson serves as vice president for the MSPA board. She and her family own Revelation Tops and Mountain Rose Gifts.