Savoring how special Montrose is


Montrose… the quaint little town you usually see when on vacation and we have it right here. We are blessed to have this unique small town feel alive in this day and age. We have to do our part and that means supporting these small business owners to keep them in this town. We have just about everything you can ask for right here in Montrose. Why hassle the traffic and drive anywhere else when you can probably walk to most of what you need right here. We have a wide variety of businesses and how cool is it to walk in and they acknowledge you by your name? Yes, I know it is hard right now and every penny you spend is well thought out, but keep your money in your town and it will come back to you. Many businesses are struggling to stay open, not just here but everywhere so please do your part. You probably don’t know all that this little small town has to offer so come by the Chamber and pick up some directories for friends and family. Even one person can make a difference. Montrose has so much to offer and everyone feels good when they visit us. The holidays are coming and our lives get really busy so keep it close to your heart. Fall back on Saturday, Oct. 31: set your clocks back one hour.

Halloween is Saturday and you don’t have any daytime plans for the kids  y e t ? … 3 … 2 … 1 … i n v i t e s you to bring the kids to a free party with them at the Palms Plaza Shopping Center  located at 3131 Foothill Blvd. # H in La Crescenta. Children are invited from 10 a.m. to noon and the teens from noon until 2 p.m. There will be games, contests, prizes and a free acting class. Give Mae a call at (818) 353- 5455.

Welcome new member Techital, Inc. located at 3807 Ocean View Blvd. in Montrose. Contact Alex Payne (818) 649-2600 and find out how he can help you. Mark your calendar for Wednesday, Nov. 4. Scholl Canyon Estates is hosting a mixer for the Chamber from 6 to 8 p.m. at 1551 E. Chevy Chase Drive in Glendale. Come meet the people in your community and have a fun time.

The Chamber is open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Thursday and is closed on Friday. The Chamber is located at 3516 N. Verdugo Road in Glendale and can be reached by telephone at (818) 249-7171 or by email mvcc@montrosechamber. org. Join us on facebook: pages/Montrose-Verdugo- C i t y – C h a m b e r- O f – C o m -merce/103979694092. The U.S. Census is coming… make sure you’re counted. Please help the small business owner to stay in business… Shop Montrose!

Marian E. Jocz is the executivedirector

of the Montrose-Verdugo CityChamber of Commerce