Oktoberfest Celebrations Continue…
We did it! After having to postpone our 43rd Annual Montrose Oktoberfest for two years, we are thrilled to have finally hosted it again this year. While we take great delight in celebrating Oktoberfest, this is also our biggest annual fundraiser. The turnout and feedback from our community was overwhelmingly positive and it truly gave us hope. It was our most successful Oktoberfest yet and the MVCC is in a secure place again where we can focus our efforts 100% on expanding our mission. Our sincerest gratitude to everyone who made this possible: the event sponsors, volunteers, vendors, local businesses and city support. As a small token of our appreciation, we will be hosting our 2nd Annual OktoberFeast Celebration Mixer at S.I.G. Property Management (parking lot) on Nov. 17 from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. There will be live music, German food and beer, and opportunity drawings. We will be honoring our stellar Oktoberfest volunteers (if you volunteered this year, please email mvcc@montrosechamber.org to get on the guestlist); everyone is welcome! Admission is $40 (includes food and drinks) for non-Okto-volunteers. Purchase your tickets at bit.ly/2NDOKTOFEAST. Limited tickets available (150, first come-first claim, volunteers receive priority).
In other (just as exciting) news, we had the privilege of welcoming to Montrose, alongside the CV Chamber of Commerce, Joie de Vivre (women’s clothing and gifts boutique) in a ribbon cutting ceremony on Oct. 20! Their mission is to provide clothing that brings joy to your life while making every effort to provide natural sustainable fabrics. In an effort to reduce its carbon footprint it is using biodegradable packaging when possible to be eco-friendly. It’s businesses like this that make Montrose so special. Welcome, JDV!
Meet the newest business members of the MVCC:
Joie de Vivre, Dress Up for Life – Providing “clothing that brings joy to your lives while making every effort to provide natural sustainable fabrics” (818) 500-8010
On Call Public Adjusters LLC – “A team of insurance professionals with one goal: to get you fully compensated and do that with integrity. [We are] determined to recover all insurance benefits our customers are entitled to in every claim we undertake.” www.OnCallPublicAdjusters.com
Aligned Construction Company, Inc. – “A full service general construction company [in La Crescenta-Montrose] that specializes in residential and commercial new construction, remodels, additions and investment projects.” www.AlignedConstructionCompanyInc.com
…and welcoming back renewing members:
CV Insurance – Founded in 1969, Crescenta Valley Insurance is a second generation agency. Personal, business and life plus health insurance. www.CVIns.com
Tom’s Toys – “Located in the heart of the Montrose Shopping Park offering quality toys.” www.tomstoystore.com
Revolution Dance Center – In-person studio classes for all levels. The youngest class offering starts at age 2. www.revolutiondancecenter.com
The Chace Impact Foundation-LA – “Offering a process with actionable steps catered to the individual’s journey of wellness and even sobriety, sponsored (where applicable) by The Impact Foundation. We advocate for the individual by managing their process through each step.” theimpactfoundationla.org
MVCC and Member Updates/Upcoming Events:
Thursday, Nov. 17 at noon – MVCC ribbon cutting ceremony for Tarlani Healthcare. Take part in the celebration of Tarlani Healthcare’s 2020 grand opening in Montrose (postponed due to the pandemic)!
Thursday, Nov. 17 at 5:30 p.m. – 2nd Annual OktoberFeast Celebration Mixer. German food and beer, live music and opportunity drawings. Purchase tickets at bit.ly/2NDOKTOFEAST. $40. Oktoberfest volunteers, email mvcc@montrosechamber.org to get on our guestlist.
Remember to shop local!

Montrose-Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce