Celebrating the Holidays
Last Friday’s annual Montrose tree lighting ceremony kicked off the beginning of holiday shopping, family gatherings and celebration of our country’s traditions; however, nothing quite matches the pomp and excitement of this Saturday’s Montrose Christmas Parade. Now celebrating its 44th year, Parade watchers of all ages will be lining both sides of Honolulu Avenue cheering and enjoying the fun as, this year, former City of Glendale Police Chief Carl Povilaitis is honored as the Parade’s grand marshal.
It’s always fun watching the expressions of joy on the faces of children of all ages as various entries march along the Parade route. And, of course, the always anticipated wait for Santa at the end of the Parade is the perfect way to complete the evening of fun. This year our Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce proudly supports the Montrose Christmas Parade Association as a bronze sponsor and will participate with a decorated classic truck entry along the Parade route. Be sure to wave and cheer as we pass by … we promise to wave back!
As usual, Parade day weather calls for some possible morning sprinkles but cool and crisp temperatures in the evening. So bundle up and “Come Home to Montrose” to have some holiday fun!
Tonight, Thursday, Dec. 1, is our Recognition Awards Banquet at the Glendale Elks Lodge. This is the evening we recognize and honor individuals, organizations and businesses that have inspired us throughout the year. Our 2022 Award recipients are Woman of the Year – Donna Libra; Man of the Year – Joe Allen; Business of the Year – RestoKleen; Organization of the Year – Community Foundation of the Verdugos; Educator of the Year – Mathew Schick; Student of the Year – David Green; Volunteer of the Year – Chuck Hughes; Glendale Police Dept. Officer of the Year – Officer Bryan Duncan; Crescenta Valley Sheriff Deputy of the Year – Deputy Vostanik Grigoryan; Altadena California Highway Patrol Officer of the Year – Officer Robert Manzano; Los Angeles County Firefighter of the Year – Firefighter Specialist Joshua Swaney; and our Community Beautification Award – Deukmejian Wilderness Park.
Congratulations to each of our deserving 2022 Recognition Award recipients!
Emergency Preparedness Tip
This year consider a gift of emergency preparedness to family members or friends. It’s easy and simple and can be organized with the following items: food products that keep (i.e. meal bars, snacks or MREs), a hand-cranked radio, flashlight with extra batteries, solar-powered cellphone charger, first aid kit, books and items for kids to enjoy, personal hygiene comfort kit including toothpaste and toothbrush, and a waterproof pouch or backpack containing gloves, batteries, duct tape, whistle and moist wipes. If possible, include $75 cash in small denominations. You should be prepared for a minimum three days on your own!
CV Chamber Membership Opportunities
If you are a Chamber member we are available to help your business plan a ribbon cutting, a grand re-opening of your business or even help you organize promotional opportunities. For those of you who are not business or residential members there are numerous advantages of a CV Chamber of Commerce membership. For details simply call the CV Chamber office at (818) 248-4957 or email us at info@crescentavalleychamber.org. You may also access our Chamber website at www.crescentavalleychamber.org.
Remember our Chamber motto: “Our Business is Your Business.”
Steve Pierce, Executive Director
Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce
(818) 248-4957