»News from the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce

»News from the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce

“What the heart can dream….the will can accomplish.” CVHS 1990 class motto A strong public school system is basic and vital to the health and growth of a community. Our schools have a rich heritage of educational progress and high academic standards, which is what attracts people to want to move to our valley. Businesses […]

»Montrose Shopping Park News

»Montrose Shopping Park News

 Mardo K has Fine Jewels for Mom! Last year we all watched as a great amount of time, money, and detail went into building out Mardo K Fine Jewelry (2269 Honolulu). I am encouraging all of our readers to visit and see the resulting opulence and good taste. Plus you would enjoy meeting gemologist owner […]

»News from the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce

»News from the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce

“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” ~ Stephen Hawking By nature, human beings tend to resist, and even resent, change but the reality is that change happens whether we want it to or not. It comes down to how we respond and react. Some of us control freaks may become completely unglued and […]

»Montrose Verdugo-City Chamber of Commerce

»Montrose Verdugo-City Chamber of Commerce

The Month of May: Golf Tournament, ArtWalk, Memorial Day, Arts & Crafts Festival May is a very busy month here in Montrose. On Monday night, we had a great turnout at our Glendale City Council candidates’ forum. Over 70 people turned out to hear what the candidates stand for and what their goals are if […]

»Montrose Shopping Park News

»Montrose Shopping Park News

It’s a PARTY This Sunday & YOU Are Invited! Families, foodies, friends and neighbors: the Montrose Shopping Park has a boatload of fun planned for you Sunday. Where else can you get a “Taste of Montrose” while you listen to live street music and watch multibreed canines being paraded for your enjoyment? This is when […]

»News from the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce

»News from the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce

J’s Maintenance 45th Anniversary Celebration “We serve the community to help and make it a better place for everyone.”    ~ Chris Waldheim Over 45 years ago, Ed and Linda Waldheim took a leap of faith and purchased a small janitorial company called Joe’s, later J’s Maintenance.  A small operation, Ed and Linda did everything from […]

»Montrose Verdugo-City Chamber of Commerce

»Montrose Verdugo-City Chamber of Commerce

Glendale City Council Candidates Forum and Celebrating a 45-Year-Old Business On Monday, May 5, the Montrose-Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce is holding a Glendale City Council candidates forum so you can make an informed decision at the polls on June 3 when you cast your vote during the June primary election. You should have already […]

»Montrose Shopping Park News

Happy 2nd Birthday It Takes A Village Kids!   A kids store of creative proportions, It Takes A Village Kids (2317 Honolulu Ave.) is celebrating its second  birthday. The party is next Thursday, May 1 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. You will want to call now [(818) 957-2200] to make an appointment to get […]

»News from the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce

“Now You Know The Rest Of The Story.” Paul Harvey Last week, as with tradition, we cut the giant red ribbon and publicly welcomed Softline Solutions to the Crescenta Valley community. Chamber board members gathered, employees, family and friends were all present to take part in this honored and momentous ribbon cutting ceremony, and the […]

»Montrose Verdugo-City Chamber of Commerce

18th Annual Golf Classic and Scholarship Fundraiser Disc Golfers Welcome! Join us Thursday, May 15 for the Montrose-Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce’s 18th annual Golf Classic and Scholarship Fundraiser at the Verdugo Hills Golf Course! This is also our first annual disc golf classic, so everyone can now join in on the fun. Not only […]