Recent highly publicized rescues of hikers are a powerful reminder to everyone to be prepared when enjoying the great outdoors. The recent serious injury to a brave Orange County Sheriff’s Reserve Deputy during a rescue is also a reminder of the risks taken by all rescuers to help others, because they value human life so much. […]

The Votes Are In

Election night  2013 ends with Najarian, Friedman, and Sinanyan in lead; estimated 4,000 provisional ballots yet to be counted. By Ted AYALA The night dragged on, but the spirits of the two-dozen city staffers and volunteers at Election Day headquarters never ebbed. Beginning at 8 p.m., ballots submitted in Tuesday’s city election were processed and […]

GPD Officer Receives Prestigious Award

By Mary O’KEEFE Glendale police officer Joe Allen is well known in the Crescenta Valley community. He lives in the area and devotes countless hours to local events and is often the “go to” for many organizations when it comes to helping kids. Allen is a member of the Elks Lodge in Glendale. Several weeks […]

Park Improvement to Help Ease Lack of Public Space

By Ted AYALA Glendale City Council voted Tuesday in favor of embarking on a project to give park-deprived South Glendale a boost for its scarce public space. Maple Park would enjoy improvement by way of additions that would give the nearly 90-year-old park a modern facelift. It would be a further enhancement of the park […]

UPDATE: Glendale City Election Results 2013

UPDATE 6:30a.m.– As of this morning about 3,000 to 4,000 Provisional ballots still need to be  certified and counted. Glendale City Clerk Ardashes Kassakhian estimates this process to take about two weeks. The results of the April 2 Glendale election as of now are: City Council: [Three seats up for election] Ara Najarian [incumbent] 8,615 […]

Sheriff’s Station Says Good-bye to Herman

By Mary O’KEEFE Straightforward, straight talking: Those are two attributes that can easily describe Sgt. Debra Herman. Herman has been a member of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept. for almost 32 years after starting out with the L.A. County Marshal’s Office. The L.A. County Marshal’s Office merged with L.A. County Sheriff’s Dept. in 1994. […]

Students Receive DAR Good Citizen Award

Five students from area high schools were recently honored with Good Citizen Awards from the Don Jose Verdugo Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution. A luncheon celebrating the recipients was held at a Pasadena restaurant. Barbara Rogers, Good Citizen chairman, introduced each of the recipients, their parents and school counselors. Accepting the prestigious awards […]

Saluting Our Scouts

Russell David Carpenter of La Canada’s Troop 502 was recently awarded the rank of Eagle Scout upon completion of his board of review. Carpenter logged over 234 hours planning, coordinating, and implementing the construction of a 10 x 20 foot storage facility requested for use by La Cañada Presbyterian Church. Carpenter, 17, is a senior […]

The Candidates Respond

To better acquaint our readers with those running for office in the April 2 election, Crescenta Valley Weekly has asked questions of all the Glendale City Council and Glendale Unified School District board of education candidates. First below is the response by GUSD candidate Greg Krikorian. (The other responding GUSD candidates’ answers were printed in […]

Update on GUSD/GTA Negotiations

  From GUSD: The GUSD Board of Education decided to again propose, as it had in 2011 and 2012, that April 24, 2014 become a non-work day, closing schools to allow staff and students to commemorate the Armenian Genocide as they deem appropriate. This proposal was initially presented to the GTA on Friday, March 8.  […]