GLA BINGO MIXER Glendale Latino Association will be holding its July mixer and bingo fun on Wednesday, July 24 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Wine Cave in Montrose. Admission is $10 for members and $15 for non-members. Contributions benefit the annual scholarship fund for GUSD and GCC students. Appetizers will be from […]

CV Weekly On The Move!!

The Waldheim family took CV Weekly with them to Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles for the launch of the Cal Phil summer season. CV Weekly proudly supports Cal Phil and Ryan Waldheim holds the program (with the concert stage in the background) that features CV Weekly. The Cal Phil season is just beginning; […]



TOPS OFFERS LOCAL MEETINGS T.O.P.S. – Take Off Pounds Sensibly – is a self-accountability group meeting held every Monday. Weigh in is from 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. An hour meeting follows in the education building of Center for Spiritual Living, 4845 Dunsmore (at Santa Carlotta). For more information, call and leave a message for […]


JULY 4th VETERANS FAMILY PICNIC The Elks of Sunland-Tujunga are looking for help for the Veteran’s Picnic on Thursday, July 4th. Those volunteers who cannot meet at the Lodge that morning by 9 a.m. can come directly to the Sepulveda VAMC at 16111 Plummer St. The Elks will be in the quad, which is between […]


DONNELLY TO SPEAK AT THURSDAY CLUB California State Assemblyman Tim Donnelly will offer an “insider’s view” of what is going on in the state legislature. Donnelly will be speaking to the Republican Club of the Foothills tonight, Thursday, June 27 at the La Cañada Thursday Club. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; dinner is at 7 […]


GLENDALE ADVENTIST MEDICAL CENTER TO HOST DINNER AND SEMINAR Glendale Adventist Medical Center invites the public to learn about the latest surgical and non-surgical treatment options for joint pain as well as minimally invasive options such as MAKOplasty for partial knee resurfacing at a dinner and seminar tonight, Thursday, June 20 from 6 p.m. to […]


DOCENT CLASSES OFFERED The Autry in Griffith Park is having a docent class that is scheduled to start in June. The Autry is recruiting interested individuals to attend training that will enable them to share the rich history of the west with museum visitors. For more information, contact Susan DiCato at or (323) 667-2000. […]



DOCENT CLASSES OFFERED The Autry in Griffith Park is having a docent class that is scheduled to start in June. The Autry is recruiting interested individuals to attend training that will enable them to share the rich history of the west with museum visitors. For more information, contact Susan DiCato at or (323) 667-2000. […]



DOCENT CLASSES OFFERED The Autry in Griffith Park is having a docent class that is scheduled to start in June. The Autry is recruiting interested individuals to attend training that will enable them to share the rich history of the west with museum visitors. For more information, contact Susan DiCato at or (323) 667-2000. […]

Calendar This

Calendar This

CASINO NIGHT BENEFITS LCFCC Tickets are now on sale for the La Cañada Flintridge Community Center Casino Night benefit that will be held on Friday, May 24 as the kick-off event for La Canada’s Fiesta Days. Online registration is available at The evening begins at 6:30 p.m. Early bird tickets cost $25. Party-goers will […]