Camerata Pacifica Prepares for Launch of 24th Season

By Ted AYALA Among the bumper crop of world-class chamber music within a stone’s throw anywhere you step these days in Southern California, Camerata Pacifica manages to carve out its own unique niche in this crowd. How do they do it? Combine one part wildly eclectic and even provocative programs, one part high-energy atmosphere, and […]

Free Pop-Up! Concerts in Downtown Glendale

By Ted AYALA Are there any Jewel City residents looking to spend the last, lingering hot summer nights of the year with some live music and open-air surroundings? If that’s you, Glendale Arts has just the thing. Every Thursday night through the end of the month, Glendale Arts will be presenting a series of free […]

Building New Worlds with ‘Disney Infinity’

By Charly SHELTON I emerged from my cave to write this article. The sun glints in my eyes, which have been adjusted only to the light of a television since Aug. 19 – the day I got “Disney Infinity.” I think I actually forgot what the sky looked like. This game is so engrossing that […]

Hunter Becomes Hunted Becomes Hunter in the New ‘Riddick’

By Susan JAMES Whoever your favorite superhero is – the guy with the bat ears or the cape or the spidey hands – he’s a total wuss compared to our boy Richard Riddick. With his moonglow eyes that see best in the dark and his in-your-face physicality, Vin Diesel’s wanted criminal has been dodging enemies […]

“From the Station Fire Ashes: A Forest Recovers” Gallery Opening

“From the Station Fire Ashes: A Forest Recovers” Gallery Opening

Whether biking thousands of miles in the mountains, scrambling through the Wonderland of Rocks in Joshua Tree National Park, riding a camel in the shadow of the great Pyramids of Giza, or watching a hummingbird rebuild her nest in his own backyard, mountain biker and photo buff Michael Caley has sought a window into the […]

All Things Fried Means Only One Thing– The L.A. County Fair Has Arrived

By Charly SHELTON The county fair is in town again and that means one thing: fried everything. Fried pickles, fried bacon, fried cheese, fried Oreos, fried peanut butter and jelly, fried hotdogs and, most importantly, fried Twinkies. Twinkies were dead but have been resurrected just in time for the fair because what is a fair […]

Are You a True Believer?

Are You a True Believer?

By Mary O’KEEFE On Sunday, visited the Harvest Market in Montrose to introduce people to the new nerd website. True-Believers, for those who are, is how Stan Lee greeted his comic book followers. The website was designed by Sedna Solutions and its content is supplied by writers from CVW. The idea of the […]

Sidling Up for A Taste

Sidling Up for A Taste

By Michael YEGHIAYAN Some of the most renowned and well-respected chefs in Los Angeles took part in this year’s “The Taste,” an annual celebration of food and drink presented by the Los Angeles Times over Labor Day weekend. Like much of the Los Angeles food scene, the event’s focus was centered on restaurants, bars and […]