By Greg ARAGON The Palm Springs Aerial Tram is often called the Eighth Wonder of the World because of the groundbreaking engineering behind its construction. This year, the modern marvel is celebrating its 60th anniversary so I thought it would be a great time to visit while also spending a couple days relaxing in the […]
The Brand Associates Dance Series presents top dance companies from Southern California performing site-specific work in non-traditional performance spaces around Brand Library & Art Center, 1601 W. Mountain St. in Glendale. The Dance Series is sponsored by the Brand Associates. Performances run between 60 and 90 minutes without intermission. This series began in the 1960s […]
Arthur Miller’s 1949 Pulitzer Prize-winning play “Death Of A Salesman,” under the direction of Corky Dominguez, will be presented in the newly dedicated Gloria Molina Auditorium at CASA 0101 Theater, 2102 East First St. (at St. Louis Street) in Boyle Heights. Preview performances are on Friday, June 9 and Saturday, June 10 at 8 p.m. […]
By Charly SHELTON There’s no shortage today of lighting equipment available in the market. From cheap imported LED strips to several-thousand-dollar light rigs from a trendy company, and everything in between. As a professional photographer, I want to fall somewhere in between. I want something that I can rely on but won’t break the bank. […]
By Matthew ARAT Danny Jensen loves exploring Los Angeles. “It’s a fun challenge,” Jensen said. “I love exploring the city and finding hidden corners.” Jensen, a writer for Thrillist, Time Out and LA Weekly, has made it his passion to discover the other side of Los Angeles rarely seen by Los Angeles natives or transplants. […]
By Steve ZALL and Sid FISH June 2023 It’s great to see that more of the theaters we feared had been lost during the pandemic closure are opening their doors again with new shows. COVID protocols continue to be dictated by each individual venue, so bring a facemask to wear during the show in case […]
On Wednesday, June 7 from 12:10-12:40 p.m. soprano and alto saxophone player Douglas Masek will perform “Tango Sozinho” by Adrienne Albert (b. 1941), “Coltrane” by David Heath (b.1956), “Before Times” by Bill Cunliffe (b. 1956) and “Blue Caprice” by Victor Morosco for the Glendale Noon Concerts. The internationally renowned saxophonist Douglas Masek, whose performances have […]
The Tony Awards® Administration Committee has announced that based on the recommendation by the American Theatre Critics Association, Pasadena Playhouse in Pasadena will be the recipient of the 2023 Regional Theatre Tony Award. The honor is accompanied by a grant of $25,000, made possible by City National Bank. “We are thrilled to present the 2023 Regional Theatre […]
By Charly SHELTON This is going to sound weird, but there is a small sect of the theme park community that is super into collecting things that the parks lend to guests. These things aren’t to keep, but just to use and return – for example, the 3D glasses from shows and rides, bits […]
Tickets are now available for the Fine Arts Super Star Wars Spectacular – all 11 movies in the Star Wars series that will be screened on Memorial Day weekend, Friday through Monday, May 26-29 at the Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills. “We will also exhibit one additional 12th bonus encore feature from one of […]