Contributed by WAW Eight-year-old Maddy Berger won first place in the 2nd Annual WAW California Starz Talent Contest held Saturday, May 7 in La Cañada Flintridge. Singers participated from La Cañada, Pasadena and Glendale schools. Pictured above with judges Peter Santana, of the Madeline Group, Lyn Eriks, of Howard Talent West and Laura Pallas of […]
CVHS Presents Music Dept. Finale The CVHS Instrumental Music Department presents its final concert of the year on Friday, May 20 in MacDonald Auditorium at 4400 Ramsdell Ave. The theme for this year’s pops is “Magical Mystical Music.” Audiences will be treated to music from movies such as “Lord of the Rings” and “Harry Potter” […]
The eighth grade students of Chamlian Armenian School in La Crescenta recently traveled to Yerevan, Armenia to commemorate the 1915 Armenian Genocide at the historical Genocide Memorial Monument in Dzidzernagapert, a city just outside of Yerevan. The Armenian Monument in Dzidzernagapert was constructed in 1965 to commemorate the 1.5 million Armenians who were victims of […]
Chamlian Armenian School in La Crescenta announced that on Tuesday, May 3 eighth grade student Hagop Margossian, one of five Chamlian State Science Fair finalists, received an honorable mention award. Hagop previously won first place at the county level competition before going off to state. His project was in the Applied Chemistry category titled, “Enzyme-catalyzed […]
The Fire House is a youth center that gives teens a place to go. It opened its doors in October 2010 for high school students and recently opened Thursday mornings for middle school students. The Fire House is on St. Luke’s of the Mountains property and has partnered with Crescenta Valley Drug and Alcohol Prevention […]
In Korea there is national holiday just for children. Just as there is Mother’s Day and Father’s Day in the United States, Korea has a day just to celebrate children. Held on May 5, Children’s Day is a national holiday when students don’t go to school and parents don’t go to work. It is similar […]
Contributed by Tricia FLYNN Students at St. James Elementary and Holy Redeemer Middle schools, touched by the tragedy in Japan, chose to “jump” in and help. The children created a “jump-a-thon” that would raise funds that would then be sent to relief agencies in the devastated nation. Each student received a sponsor chart to get […]
Students at the Crescenta-Cañada Cooperative Nursery School celebrated Easter with egg dying and a tradition Easter egg hunt. Director Nita Imm readied the children for the arrival of the Easter bunny by preparing arts and crafts, reading Easter stories and teaching songs to the Darling Ducks (3-year-olds) and the Busy Bears (4-year-olds). Students’ parents also […]
Three students at Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy were named winners in the annual essay contest sponsored by the Los Angeles Times in conjunction this year with the Los Angeles Dodgers and Kaiser Permanente. The essay topic revolved around achieving a healthy lifestyle. Rachel Koo, a boarder from South Korea, took first place in the freshman […]
Montrose Christmas Parade Association presented the Crescenta Valley High School Prom Plus Club with a check for $500 for their support of last year’s parade. When the parade organizers found they needed more volunteers they contacted the club. Members of the association Steve Pierce and Chris Waldheim praised the volunteers. “They had signed up to […]