World War II Vet Visits JROTC

By Mary O’KEEFE “Oh yeah, did I show you this? It’s Eleanor Roosevelt.” That statement, simply said, as if it happened yesterday and the woman standing in the photograph with a World War II squadron was just another woman. Retired Air Force Major George Haney stood in front of the Crescenta Valley High School’s JROTC […]

Earth Day at Dunsmore

Dunsmore Elementary School celebrated Earth Day on Friday, April 22 with an array of planet-friendly activities. Students participated in a used book exchange, donated recyclables that will fund campus beautification projects and brought in used batteries so that they could be properly disposed of. A highlight of the day was a science event headed up […]

CV Pep Squad Wins – Again

By Misty DUPLESSIS The CV Pep Squad has been providing positive energy to the high school and its many sporting events for decades. In addition to  being the schools spirit the Pep Squad participates in three to four competitions a year in various categories including pom (song), freshman and hip hop. This year’s 120 Pep […]

Terrific Kids Honored by Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of La Cañada recently honored Terrific Kids from La Cañada Flintridge schools. Recognized for their achievements were Riana Lui, Tristan Kalnins, Sydney Okland and Dane Reeb. Lui is an accomplished pianist at La Cañada Elementary School. She is studying music at the Colburn School of Performing Arts and is learning Japanese at […]

Celebrating Latino Graduates

The Glendale Unified School District will be holding its eighth annual celebration honoring the achievements of its most successful Latino graduates of the Class of 2011 at Glendale Community College on Sunday, May 15 between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. ¡Adelanto, Latinos! (Spanish for “Latinos, Keep Achieving, Keep Striving”) honors more than 100 students from […]

Food, Games and Fun Found at Slugfest

By Jason KUROSU The Crescenta Sports Association’s lone fundraiser, Slugfest, occupied the grounds of Crescenta Valley Park this past weekend, the baseball diamonds in particular. Other areas of the park were occupied by booths for games and food, transforming it into a baseball bazaar. Kids clad in baseball gear scurried from booth to booth, exploring […]

CVHS Student Raises Funds for Cancer Research

By Jackie HOUCHIN Jasmine McCann, a sophomore at Crescenta Valley High School, a player on the CV Falcons basketball team, and a saxophonist for the school band, was so moved by the plight of a young childhood friend that she did something most teen girls would never consider: She shaved her head. Not on a […]

CVHS Singers Take on the State Capital

Nine members of the Crescenta Valley High School choirs were in Sacramento recently to sing in the American Choral Directors Association California All-State High School Honor Choirs.  These singers auditioned in September, were chosen to sing with the Southern California Vocal Association Honor Choirs in November, and were then invited to sing in the All-State […]

St. James Students Become Pen Pals with Soldiers at Sea

Tereas Denton, third grade teacher at St. James Elementary School in La Crescenta, has started a pen pal program with her class. The inspiration came from Denton’s nephew, naval Lt. Scott Long, stationed at sea on the USS Carl Vinson. Long told his aunt that some of the men and women have been on the […]

A Not So Traditional MORP Dance

By Mary O’KEEFE Crescenta Valley High School’s Associated Student Body took an old tradition and turned it on it head. A few weeks ago ASB sponsored MORP, opposite of Prom. “Raleigh Nejame [ASB president] and I had heard of other schools that had this [dance],” said Irene Park, member of ASB. Members of ASB had […]