Scout Troop conquers Philmont

Philmont Scout Ranch is one of three national camps operated by the Boy Scouts of America and is considered the “Holy Grail” to most Boy Scouts, often mentioned at a Scout’s Eagle Court of Honor as one of their most memorable experiences. Local Troop #509 of JPL sent a crew of seven Scouts and two […]

FSHA students hosting book drive

Members of the Book Club at Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy are hosting a drive for children’s books that will not only ensure that underprivileged kids receive the gift of a new book for Christmas, but also will teach children about giving back to their community. The club has partnered with the non-profit group Milk & […]

Clark Magnet honors safety personnel

The Clark Magnet High School PTA honored police and fire fighters at its November meeting. “Usually we recognize people during our Founders Day ceremony in February,” said Aida Mousessian, president of PTA. “We decided to give thanks [now] and honor our hard working firefighters and police departments for their outstanding service regarding the Station Fires. […]

Youth Notes

Christmas baseball camp offered Play Hard Christmas Baseball Camp takes place from Dec. 27 through Dec. 30. Play Hard owner is Danny Ricabal. L.A. Angels minor league pitching instructor and Oakland A’s scout Eric Martins is a camp coach and infield instructor. The camp takes place from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Blair High […]

Ancient Worlds roll up to Mountain Avenue

Ancient Worlds roll up to Mountain Avenue

By Mary O’KEEFE Mountain Avenue Elementary sixth graders went on a field trip this week and only had to go as far as the front of their school. The Los Angeles County Museum of Art pulled its Ancient World mobile museum up to the school on Tuesday and opened its doors for the students. “This […]

The verdict is in: CV does “Got Talent”

The verdict is in: CV does “Got Talent”

By Olivia KIM On Friday, Nov. 20, Crescenta Valley High School hosted its annual “CV’s Got Talent” show. It was held in the school’s MacDonald Auditorium, which was packed for the night. Students had to pay $2, adults $5 – a bargain to watch a total of 12 performances that included singers and dancers. The […]

St. James holds food drive

St. James holds food drive

St. James School started its food drive last week and the cans and boxes of food kept coming. As Thanksgiving was approaching, it was a teaching moment for the teachers to encourage the children to remember what they were thankful for while helping those who need assistance. The food drive is an important event at […]

NED visits Fremont Elementary School

NED visits Fremont Elementary School

By Mary O’KEEFE Learning life through the art of Yo-Yo. That is what Fremont Elementary School children learned at a recent NED assembly. “NED stands for Never give up. Encourage others and Do your best,” said Chris, the Yo-Yo man. [He did not want to give his last name] “It’s interesting. The Yo-Yo spans the […]

Embracing Autumn

Embracing Autumn

Despite temperatures fluctuating from cool to cold to warm again, the kids a Crescenta-Cañada Cooperative Nursery School embraced autumn with traditional fall activities including enjoying a class picnic, taking a field trip to a pumpkin patch, and at the end of October, creating Halloween masks. Fall activities continue as the “Darling Ducklings” and the “Busy […]

Clark seniors visit Catalina

Clark seniors visit Catalina

By Celia BURSTEIN CV Weekly intern On Nov. 14, two buses loaded with 120 Clark Magnet High School seniors took off to  the Long Beach Harbor, then onto a boat destined for Catalina Islandand the annual senior trip. Seniors spent the day making use of the island’s arcade and mini-golf vouchers, as well as designing […]