IN Brief

Dreier Announces Plans to Leave Congress Representative David Dreier (R-CA) took the floor of Congress on Wednesday to announce his decision not to run for re-election in November. He noted successes in bi-partisan progress over his tenure and outlined areas in which he feels improvement is necessary. To read his entire speech, visit Stephen […]

Input Gathered on Proposed Rosemont Preserve

By Jason KUROSU Meeting held to discuss Rosemont Preserve, potential land purchase. At the peak of Rosemont Avenue sits eight acres of land purchased in 2005 by Terry Villanueva and her son Justin Whalin in the hopes of opening a private school on the land. However, concerns of nearby neighbors led them to try to […]

Altura Avenue Shut Down Briefly During a Police Foot Pursuit

By Mary O’KEEFE The 3200 block of Altura Avenue was shut down briefly on Wednesday morning by Glendale police as they conducted a search for a 23-year-old man who fled during a probation compliance check. The Glendale man, Bradley Shaw, was on active felony probation for drug possession when police entered his home during a […]

Tutoring Program Detailed at CVTC Meeting

By Robin GOLDSWORTHY At the Feb. 16 meeting of the CV Town Council, member Frank Beyt introduced a new tutoring program that the town council, in conjunction with Crescenta Valley High School, is sponsoring. The program will initially work with students at La Crescenta Elementary School and Beyt urged council audience members to consider helping […]

Public Forum Targets Education Policies

The Second Annual Community Forum on Public Education will be held Saturday, March 3 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Pacific Community Center, 501 South Pacific Ave. in Glendale. The forum, sponsored by the Council PTAs of the 5 Star Coalition including Glendale, Burbank, La Cañada, South Pasadena and Pasadena, will feature guest speaker […]

AFC Conducts Tour for Sierra Club

By Maddy PUMILIA The Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy on Sunday led members of the Sierra Club through the proposed Rosemont Preserve, which the Conservancy is hoping to buy to ensure it stays an open space. “The Sierra Club, Crescenta Valley Group, is partnering with us to make certain that we are able to acquire this […]

Parents Get Lesson on Grief

By Brandon HENSLEY The MacDonald Auditorium’s lower section at CV High School was mostly full Wednesday evening, Feb. 22 with concerned parents seeking help on how to deal with the recent suicide of student Drew Ferraro, and how to talk to their kids about it as well. With some CV faculty and GUSD Superintendent Dr. […]

Do you recognize this man?

    Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Homicide detectives are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the remains of a John Doe. The intact skeleton of a deceased male was located on July 5, 2011, in the bushes at the rear loading dock behind the closed Walmart store at 44765 North Valley Central Way in Lancaster. […]

Rep. Schiff Hosts Town Hall at JPL

On Thursday, Rep. Adam Schiff  hosted a town hall for Jet Propulsion Laboratory  employees in the Theodore von Kármán Auditorium to discuss his concerns with the recent cuts to the NASA Budget, and particularly the Mars program, and to hear the views of JPL employees. After  President Barack Obama announced the cuts, Schiff vowed to […]