LCIF Welcomes Community Lutheran Church in the Foothills will welcome guest pastor Viv Vega to the pulpit this Sunday, March 30, the fourth Sunday in Lent, for a special service centered on the text of Luke 15:1-32, the parable of the prodigal son. The text and sermon will explore themes of repentance, forgiveness and the […]


Question: I saw a number of people putting ashes on their forehead and people also have shared they have to give up things for Lent. Can you briefly explain what is Lent and why so many people find it important to give up things for Lent? Curious Answer: Think back to Shrove Tuesday, or Mardi […]

UUCVH Hosts Writer and Podcaster Matthew Vasko

Writer and Podcaster Matthew Vasko will take the pulpit at Unitarian Universalist Church of the Verdugo Hills on March 23 at 10:30 a.m. to share 30 Ways to Counter Hate and Spread Love in the Process.  Hate has been on the rise in recent years and the current political climate is only serving to exacerbate […]


LCIF Welcomes Community Lutheran Church in the Foothills (LCIF) is preparing to celebrate first Holy Communion on a particularly significant day in the Christian calendar: Maundy Thursday, April 17.  Pastor Rick Hall will lead preparation classes for children and adults taking Holy Communion for the very first time, guiding them toward this sacred milestone. Communion, […]

Recognizing Ash Wednesday

Recognizing Ash Wednesday

Photo by Mary O’KEEFE Ash Wednesday was last week. For Christians it begins 40 days of self-examination and repentance by prayer, fasting and self-denial. It is also a time to read and mediate on God’s word. Pictured is St. Luke’s of the Mountains Episcopal Church Father Guy Leemhuis administering ashes to Mabel Velez.  Knowing it […]


LCIF Welcomes Community Lutheran Church in the Foothills invites the community to its Wednesday evening soup suppers throughout the season of Lent. Each Wednesday evening at 6 p.m., the church hosts a warm and welcoming meal in its fellowship hall. Guests can enjoy a hearty bowl of homemade soup, accompanied by fresh bread and dessert. […]


Question: I find it really stressful these days to witness so much of the hate and insensitivity being displayed in our country. When I watch the news it just makes me more angry to see how people are treating each other. How can I channel the things in a positive way so I don’t feel […]


LCIF Welcomes Community Lutheran Church in the Foothills (LCIF) invites the community to a special potluck on Sunday, March 9, celebrating the imminent return to their sanctuary by congregants to Christ the Shepherd Lutheran Church of Altadena. The Altadena church was spared from complete destruction in the Eaton Fire, but sustained significant smoke and wind […]


LCIF Welcomes Community In a spirit of unity and shared faith, Lutheran Church in the Foothills of La Cañada and Mt. Olive Lutheran Church of La Crescenta are joining to host an Ash Wednesday service on March 5. All are welcome. The service will be held at 7 p.m. at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, 3561 […]

LCPC Parent Education Gala

LCPC Parent Education announced its annual gala Laissez Les Bons Temps Bouler! A Mardi Gras Masquerade, on Saturday, March 1 at The Castaway in Burbank. This will be a fun-filled night of delicious food and live entertainment that will raise money for ongoing LCPC Parent Ed programming. Additionally, 10% of all net proceeds will go […]

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