Spiritually Speaking

Spiritually Speaking

QUESTION: I thought I had forgiven my father who was a drunken tyrant when I was growing up; however, recently my adult daughter wanted to know the details of his abuse. I’ve never tried to keep our children from their grandfather, and have said very little to them about the fear my brothers, our mother […]

The Bells Toll … At La Crescenta Pres

By Brandon HENSLEY Members of the La Crescenta Presbyterian Church choir lift up their voices on a weekly a basis, but last month they were able to do it in front of a much bigger audience: at the L.A. Cathedral. It was at the annual “Festival of Worship” at the cathedral in downtown L.A.  LCPC’s […]


Holy Week Events   Bethel Church invites the community to participate in its Holy Week events commemorating the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Palm Sunday worship is at 10 a.m. on April 1; showing of the film “The Passion of the Christ” takes place on Tuesday, April 3 at 7 p.m., preceded by […]

The Second Annual Empty Bowl Fundraiser is set for Sunday

The Second Annual Empty Bowl Fundraiser is set for Sunday, March 25 from  12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the St. Finbar Community Center, 2110 W. Olive Ave., Burbank. The event will benefit Family Promise of E. San Fernando Valley (FP-ESFV) in their efforts to provide safe shelter, meals and support to homeless families. The […]

Spiritually Speaking

QUESTION: In addition to our two children, we have a 14-year-old poodle, Monique, who is like a family member. For the last year, she has had trouble seeing and has incontinence problems. Now the veterinarian has discovered a cancerous tumor in her stomach. I think we should put her down so she doesn’t have to […]


Holy Week Events   Bethel Church invites the community to participate in its Holy Week events commemorating the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Palm Sunday worship is at 10 a.m. on April 1; showing of the film “The Passion of the Christ” takes place on Tuesday, April 3 at 7 p.m., preceded by […]


St. Joseph’s Table at St. Bede The Italian Catholic Federation-Branch 374 at St. Bede the Venerable Roman Catholic Church invites all parishioners to the annual honoring St. Joseph on Sunday, March 18 after each morning Mass. Purchases can be made in the Parish Center from the traditional St. Joseph’s table of baked goods, fruits, candies, […]

“God’s Trombones and Spiritual Americana” at LaCan Pres

Uniquely American hymns and spirituals from the 18th and 19th centuries will rattle the rafters of La Cañada Presbyterian Church when it presents “God’s Trombones and Spiritual Americana” on Sunday, March 25 at 4 p.m. The program will showcase the church’s 50-voice choir and 45-piece orchestra, plus soloists Rev. Dr. Allen L. Williams and his […]

Fish Net at First Baptist to be Cast Aside

By Agnes CONSTANTE For more than 40 years, the fish net structure at the First Baptist Church of La Crescenta has been an iconic piece of architecture. But over the past several years, it has developed cracks that ultimately led to it being determined a potential hazard. And by the end of next week, the […]


St. Joseph’s Table at St. Bede The Italian Catholic Federation-Branch 374 at St. Bede the Venerable Roman Catholic Church invites all parishioners to the annual honoring St. Joseph on Sunday, March 18 after each morning Mass. Purchases can be made in the Parish Center from the traditional St. Joseph’s table of baked goods, fruits, candies, […]