CVUMC Welcomes New Pastor

Rev. Denyse Barnes was appointed as senior pastor to Crescenta Valley United Methodist Church effective July 1. She is also appointed as associate director of Justice and Compassion Ministries to the California Pacific Annual Conference. Rev. Denyse was commissioned as a provisional elder in June 2018 and ordained in full connection in June 2020. She was appointed to […]

Notes & Nods

This Week at LCIF  Lutheran Church in the Foothills invites the community to worship in the church’s Worship Center. On Sunday, July 11 at 10 a.m. Pastor Scott Peterson will deliver the message called “Final Days.” The service will also be live-streamed at 10 a.m. on the church’s YouTube channel. For those unable to attend […]

Spiritually Speaking

Question: I’m a leader in a local organization. We had a guest speaker recently and, after the meeting, several of us took him to lunch. Two or three in our group kept bombarding the man with questions to the point that he barely had time to eat. He was cordial and was answering the questions. […]

Notes & Nods

This Week at LCIF  Lutheran Church in the Foothills invites the community to worship in the church’s Worship Center. On Sunday, July 4 at 10 a.m. Pastor Scott Peterson will deliver the message titled “Called and Sent.” The service will also be live-streamed at 10 a.m. on the church’s YouTube channel. For those unable to […]

Notes & Nods

Find Treasures at Rummage Sale Center for Spiritual Living is having a rummage sale on donation payment basis only (no haggling) on Saturday, June 26 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Please wear a mask!) Center for Spiritual Living, 4845 Dunsmore Ave., La Crescenta. This Week at LCIF  Lutheran Church in the Foothills invites the […]

Spiritually Speaking

Question: We have a close friend who at the slightest physical symptom panics big time! We attend the same church and we dearly love this person but don’t know how to put her mind at ease. Most of her symptoms have been easily treated and not long lasting; still, we’re concerned what is happening to […]

Notes & Nods

This Week at LCIF  Lutheran Church in the Foothills invites the community to worship in the church’s Worship Center for the first time in over year. On Sunday, June 20 at 10 a.m. Pastor Stephen Robertston will deliver his farewell message called “What’s on the Other Side?”; graduates will also be celebrated. The service will […]

Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Year Without Knocking on Doors

Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Year Without Knocking on Doors

It’s been one year since Jehovah’s Witnesses adjusted their hallmark methods of sharing comfort and hope from the Scriptures due to the pandemic. For many, the change from ringing doorbells and knocking on doors to making phone calls and writing letters expanded and invigorated their ministry. Brian Portzel and his family in La Crescenta have […]

Notes & Nods

This Week at LCIF  Lutheran Church in the Foothills invites the community to “Couch Church” on the church Facebook page and YouTube channel for worship. On Sunday, June 13 at 10 a.m., Pastor Scott Peterson will deliver a message called “Planting Trees.” For those unable to watch live, videos will be available on the church […]

Spiritually Speaking

Question: I grew up in the 1950s in a small town where I felt safe. Now, these many years later, I don’t feel safe because there is a barrage of mass shootings. I’m having a difficult time wrapping my mind around the statistics just since the beginning of this year. I looked up statistics and, […]