Spiritually Speakig

QUESTION: So many things are happening in the world today that make me sad. What makes me sadder is I’m in my 70s, have a limited income and my health is declining, all of which prevent me from jumping in when the need arises. Up until I was in my late 60s and a situation […]


This Week at LCIF All are invited to Lutheran Church in the Foothills on Sunday, Oct. 15 at 10 a.m. to continue a special series of sermons and activities in anticipation of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation! Pastor Scott Peterson will preach on the topic of “Dual Citizenship.” Please stay for coffee and donuts […]

Notes and Nods

Meeting Life’s Challenges at CSL Dr. Mark Anthony will present classes every Wednesday night in October at 7 p.m. at Center for Spiritual Living-La Crescenta. They will focus on meeting the challenges of life, both big and small. Spirituality is here to offer solutions. These classes will provide the tools and strategies to enable attendees […]

Spiritually Speaking

QUESTION: My question is: Does prayer really work? Does God really listen? I’ve had some prayers answered and some were not. I believe in God and I go to church every week. I’m inspired by our pastor’s sermons, but I still wonder if God really cares about me and my challenges. Sometimes in my darkest […]


St. George’s Offers Ethics Series St. George’s Episcopal Church in La Cañada will be offering a six-week course created for the wider community entitled, “Ethics: The Final Frontier.” The six-week mission is to watch six different “Star Trek” episodes to explore, discern and name ethical problems, and to discuss how these issues related to our […]

Special Guests at High Holy Days

Coming to the Beverly Hills Temple of the Arts at the Saban Theatre during the High Holy Days for the first time on American soil will be a most significant Biblical archeological discovery, a replica of The Magdala Stone. This is a depiction of the oldest carved image of the first menorah candelabra found within […]

Old Radio Favorites Recreated at Fundraiser

Old Radio Favorites Recreated at Fundraiser

In an effort to find a unique way to assist the victims of hurricanes Harvey and Irma, La Crescenta Presbyterian Church is holding a 1940s-style live theater show on Sunday. Monies will go to aid victims in rebuilding their houses – and their lives ¬– after these monumental weather events. Funds will be forwarded to […]


Movie Fun at Shadow Hills Presbyterian Church Shadow Hills Presbyterian Church host free Friday night movies! Popcorn, soda and hot dogs will be available for sale. Sunday’s sermons will relate back to each night’s film. A separate film/activity will be offered to children for PG-13 and R rated films. The following films will be shown […]


Movie Fun at Shadow Hills Presbyterian Church Shadow Hills Presbyterian Church host free Friday night movies! Popcorn, soda and hot dogs will be available for sale. Sunday’s sermons will relate back to each night’s film. A separate film/activity will be offered to children for PG-13 and R rated films. The following films will be shown […]

Preparing for World Day of Prayer

Preparing for World Day of Prayer

“I know that the Lord is always on the side of the right; but it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation may be on the Lord’s side” ~ Abraham Lincoln By Mary O’KEEFE For those who have attended a church service when it all seemed to be working together, when […]