Montrose Search and Rescue – Kid’s Hike to Mt. Lukens Turns Deadly, Part 1 On a warm and clear winter morning, Dec. 30, 1971, the neighborhood kids from the 3200 block of Henrietta Avenue decided to hike to Mt. Lukens to visit the freshly fallen snow. They had all done the hike many times before, […]
Crescenta Valley Community Association shared updates on several developments in land use issues during the March 23 meeting. The interim ordinance to regulate Accessory Dwelling Units has been extended through the rest of the year to give Glendale City Council time to draft and adopt a permanent ordinance. We can expect a bit more density […]
Not Everything ‘Good’ in Old Days First, I appreciate very much the work [CV Weekly] does on the subject of hate crimes in our community. We know it didn’t started after the November election, but since then it has became “legitimized” by top officials in our federal government and fringe groups who are coming out […]
Stands by Her Comments – With Correction I stand corrected – the Republicans only hold majorities in both chambers of the U.S. Congress, not filibuster- or veto-proof ones, as pointed out in last week’s letter from Robert Perry (“Counters Claim,” March 16). Mr. Trump’s 2016 Electoral College margin ranked 46th out of 58 past Presidential […]
On April 11 at 6 p.m., the Crescenta Valley Water District (CVWD or District) board of directors will hold a public workshop on the Fiscal Year 2018 budget and proposed water and sewer rates. The workshop will be held at the District office located at 2700 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta. The District is continuing to […]
Besides the rescues that the Montrose Search and Rescue team (MSAR) performs on a regular basis, they occasionally do some detective work as well. Such was the case for longtime MSAR team member Fred Koegler way back in the fall of 1995 in the case of the disappearance and murder of Linda Sobek. It was […]
Montrose Search and Rescue – The Boy Who Missed the Bus In February 1958, 100 elementary school age inner-city kids from South Central LA boarded busses of the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) for a trip to the snow. For many of these kids, this would be their first time in the snow; for some their […]
Supporting California’s Foster Youth For many children across California, planning for their future is part of growing up. From the time they are very young, their parents set aside money, dollar-by-dollar, to make the ultimate investment in their future success – higher education. While the amount of the funding parents can contribute varies, especially with […]
Goodbye to an Old Friend On Saturday, the Crescenta Valley community came together to say goodbye to Monsignor John Foley, lovingly referred to as Father Jack. The crowd was enormous with cars parked across the freeway and on all the side streets [surrounding the church] plus professional parking was needed to get the most cars […]
The 210, Outdoor Lights, and Promoting Inclusivity in the Crescenta Valley The Town Council’s February general meeting had two surprise guests and was dedicated in large part to Caltrans answering community concerns and questions about the I-210 construction. State Senator Anthony Portantino, 25th Senate District, gave a comprehensive report of the pending […]