Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Montrose Search and Rescue – Campers Saved By the Whistle On Wednesday, Jan 2, 1974, John Larson took his 3-year-old son John Junior on an adventure – a “cold-camping” excursion into the San Gabriel Mountains. Larson was an experienced outdoorsman with proper gear. He planned to camp on a trail a few miles out of […]


  Hate Crimes: Harsh Actions Needed I must commend CV Weekly and Charly Shelton, personally, for reports of numerous shocking incidents of hateful attacks against Jewish centers in several parts of the country and elsewhere (March 2). It’s outrageous and unacceptable that a peaceful, highly educated and law-abiding community’s places of worship and culture are […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

The History of the Montrose Search and Rescue Team – Our Local Heroes We live on the doorstep of a huge wilderness, the Angeles National Forest. This vast mountainous area is crisscrossed with miles of twisting, narrow mountain roads, and a confusing maze of hiking trails. The hundreds of square miles of nearly vertical mountainsides […]


February’s Crescenta Valley Community Association meeting covered a number of local land use issues. Glendale City Council has adopted an interim ordinance to regulate Accessory Dwelling Units that is a compromise between the previous ban and the permissive state regulations. California has mandated that these units be handled via ministerial review; that is by planning […]


Washington’s Warning About Political Parties George Washington is universally recognized as our greatest president. Monday, Feb. 20, was the annual federal holiday specifically celebrating Washington’s Birthday. In his 1796 Farewell Address, he wrote prophetic words of wisdom about political parties. Here is an excerpt from that address. “[Political parties] are likely in the course of […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Wild Times at CV’s Prohibition-era Speakeasy! It’s well known that the Crescenta Valley was a hotbed of illegal alcohol production and consumption during Prohibition. It was close enough to LA and Hollywood to make for easy access, yet remote enough geographically with its many hidden canyons to make law enforcement problematic. The remains of stills […]


A Visit to the ‘Only The Oaks Remain’ Exhibit On a recent Saturday 10 of us from the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Verdugo Hills toured the new exhibit about the Tuna Canyon Detention Station currently on display at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles. The “Only the Oaks Remain” exhibit tells the […]

NEWS FROM Washington » Adam Schiff

The Balance of Powers Prevails We were told to take him seriously, not literally. Many supporters assured the country that the policy promises coming from then-candidate Donald Trump would never actually be enacted and were harmless rhetoric. And yet, within a week of his first term as President, we found out the hard way that […]

The Historical Society of the Crescenta Valley

A couple of weeks ago the Historical Society of the Crescenta Valley (HSCV) took a tour of Dodger Stadium. The enthusiastic guide led us through the locker rooms, out onto the field where we watched a couple of Dodger players practicing, into the Dodger dugout, and up to the press box to see the view […]

Letters to the Editor

Offers Comment on Undocumented Workers Those who blame undocumented workers for their plight fail to understand the economics of the situation. If U.S. employers didn’t hire the undocumented they wouldn’t be drawn into the country. Americans who demand goods and services at the lowest possible cost and are perfectly happy ignoring the immigration status of […]