Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

When I recently wrote a column about CV myths, I received a lot of positive feedback. The only complaint I got (only half-serious) was from Robert Newcombe, author of the history book “Montrose.” He said, “You forgot to mention the myths surrounding the name ‘Montrose.’” He’s right, and in fact there are several myths about […]

Mark Your Calendars for CV Alliance Strategic Partners Meeting

The next CV Alliance Quarterly Strategic Partners meeting is Friday, March 4 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital, 1812 Verdugo Blvd. in the fourth floor council rooms. Topics include marijuana legalization and powdered alcohol. Come for the networking, information sharing, and free amenities. RSVPs appreciated at


Shame on Baca The retired and now convicted Lee Baca has disgraced much of what he has touched while having authority to improve and change the activities of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. It is with personal sorrow I have to state this man’s presence at my father’s dedication and remembrance removes an excellence to […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Memories of Indian Springs I’ve gathered a few memories of Indian Springs from readers. John H. writes: “I learned how to swim at Indian Springs. I took a beginning swimming course there in the summer of 1957. I remember hearing the song ‘Bye-Bye Love’ by the Everly Brothers on radios at the pool almost every […]


As you know, whenever the first of January arrives, new laws take effect in California. This year my AB 139, a measure that established a new estate-planning tool, finally went into effect, giving homeowners the ability to transfer their home with a simple form. Reformers had tried to pass this historic legislation for 10 years, […]

News from CV Alliance

Hi, CV! Because we’re preventionists, I wanted to alert you to a new app called MyShakes, an earthquake warning system developed by scientists at UC Berkeley. It works on iPhones and androids. How well it works will be tested by Mother Nature, but why not have as much advance warning as possible? Speaking of advance […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

The Little Mermaid of Indian Springs Patricia Robinson Nielson has some wonderful memories of Indian Springs and the positive effect it had on her life. She was an acolyte of famed swim coach Lyle Draves, and she was at the Springs in the “glory years” of the late ‘40s/ early ‘50s when the pool was […]

NEWS FROM CVTC » Leslie Dickson

Thank you to the entire community for turning out for the Parks Needs Assessment meeting on Jan. 30. We had several officials from Supervisor Antonovich’s office present including Sussy Nemer and Kathryn Barger. We also had the entire staff of the Los Angeles County Parks and Rec Dept. on hand to answer questions from our […]

News from CV Alliance

Hi, CV! You probably read about the passing of Kyle Dubin in last week’s issue. As was mentioned, Kyle and another teen were the reason behind the founding of this organization.  Go to our website and read our origin story submitted by his mom, Susan Dubin, a founding member. I knew Kyle when Julia Rabago […]

NEWS FROM CVCA » Sharon Weisman

By the time this is published it will be after the deadline for filing to run for the Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council. The election is scheduled for April 2 so Sunland-Tujunga stakeholders have a couple of months to learn about the candidates and figure out who will represent them the best. Check on for information […]