News from CV Alliance

Hi, CV! For a short month, February packs a wallop. We commemorate George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, black history and love. In leap years, women propose marriage and we elect our president. Groundhog shadows determine winter’s length. And, as nonprofit life has taught me, February includes recognition of dental care and teen dating violence. You […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

A Korean-American Olympian from Indian Springs In the next few weeks I’ll be covering some of the great memories of Indian Springs that I’ve collected over the past few years from locals who spent time at that beautiful oasis. If you have some memories you’d like me to include, please send them to my email […]


A Major Void How do you describe a person who has made a major impact on so many lives and on our community? How do you describe a person who is always there to volunteer and put in whatever time and effort is required? How do you describe someone who always made you feel as […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

The Death and Burial of Indian Springs To me, one of the saddest chapters in the history of our valley is the loss of the Indian Springs Resort. That sadness is overlaid with a bit of incredulity, for it seems that when it happened in 1966, no one seemed especially to care. I like to […]

News from CV Alliance

Hi, CV! Marilyn Gunnell passed away last week. For those of you who didn’t know her, and for those who did, Marilyn was an activist, volunteer and leader. She carried her weight. She refused to use email. She could be crusty but I learned that layer protected her big heart. She didn’t suffer fools. She […]


New advances made by aerospace engineers in both the public and private sectors have reasserted America’s leadership in space and reignited interest in the possibilities of exploring new planets and moons. For those of us who are space enthusiasts, or work in the aerospace industry, it’s a welcome change from the past decade when it […]


  Armenian (American?) Museum   I am rather baffled by the prospect of building an Armenian museum here in Glendale (“AAM Project Presented,” CV Weekly, Jan. 14). After all, I don’t believe Glendale hosts a museum of any other country, i.e. Italy, Poland, Korea, Germany, Mexico, Ireland, etc. Plus, having traveled extensively, I have never […]


There Goes My Neighborhood … Who’s Next? Since June 2014, our [Glendale] city council members have been in negotiations to sell the historic Glendale Civic Auditorium to Glendale College. The college would like to expand their footprint, but the topography of their land has limited their ability to expand. Should the college purchase the historic […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Indian Springs Golden Years Through the ’30s and ’40s, Indian Springs remained a financially viable attraction on a regional level, pulling in visitors from surrounding areas. But it’s the late ’40s and ’50s that are considered the “golden years” of Indian Springs. Returning WWII veterans streamed into the valley to buy homes and start families, […]


It’s Time to Protect our Children Against Identity Theft There has been a concerning trend across the United States of young adults being denied credit cards or loans because their identity was stolen when they were too young to even own a credit card. That is why I introduced legislation that would allow parents to […]