Waiting For The Rain While Remembering a Flood From Our Past Waiting for the predicted El Niño rains has everyone in the valley on the edge of their seats. The deluge so far has only been a deluge of media outlets predicting disaster in the form of massive precipitation. A few naysayers have already begun […]
Hi, CV! Is marijuana more dangerous to the developing brain than lead? One researcher thinks so and is working to prove it. Scary, right? I’ll keep you informed. Because marijuana is a medicine prescribed by doctors (air quotes implied) in 23 states and DC, young people think it’s safe. Because adult recreational use of marijuana […]
Tying Up Loose Ends and Saying Goodbye On Dec. 17 the new CV Town Council will be sworn in and several of us will say goodbye. I have had the privilege of serving on the Council for seven years. The last two years I had the honor of serving as president. Leaving the Council with […]
America’s Forgotten Anniversary On Dec. 15, lost in the middle of the Christmas shopping hysteria, is the anniversary of a very important event in American history. It will be the 224th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights added 20 specific individual rights to the Constitution. Thirty-nine of […]
John Steinbeck’s Letters from Montrose In previous columns I’ve covered John Steinbeck’s brief residence in Montrose, approximately seven months in the fall/winter of 1932 into the early part of 1933, before he had any success as a writer. Carol Steinbeck, John’s wife, had just been laid off from her job in Monterey working for marine […]
The most wonderful time of the year starts with final papers and exams. We must all help minimize our student’s stress. Here are slightly edited tips from Qualifax. Good luck! 1. Know your child’s entire exam schedule. 2. Ensure your child is present. Yes, it sounds ridiculous, but with both parents working in many homes, […]
Harrison Ford on Location in Verdugo City! It’s true – Harrison Ford, the famous actor, shot a pivotal scene of one of his biggest movies in Verdugo City, at the corner of Honolulu and La Crescenta avenues. Yes, I’m talking about the handsome leading man who has his star on Hollywood Boulevard. But wait, I […]
Los Angeles City Planning staff has let Volunteers Organized in Conserving the Environment (VOICE) members know that segments of the Draft Environmental Impact Report on the proposed development of the Verdugo Hills Golf Course property will be released for additional comments on Dec. 3, in other words, today. Planning will allow 45 days for the […]
Hi, CV! I think I shared the story of ordering my first beer in Bloomington and being denied because, unlike Florida, Indiana was a 21 state, not 18. “Near beer” (3.2% alcohol) was allowed and was also watery and tasteless. It was shocking to me to lose a legal right and, like many living under […]
Offers Pros and Cons regarding Rockhaven The thought of using the historical Rockhaven property as a mental health facility sounds good, but as such the property would be limited to a small group of people. The preservation and use of it as a neighborhood park as it was originally intended to be […]