News from CV Alliance

Hi, CV! Please remember to clean out your medicine cabinet this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for safe and anonymous disposal courtesy of the DEA, Glendale police and CV sheriffs. And us. Drop-off sites include CVS Montrose, Rite Aid La Crescenta and La Cañada, and the CV Sheriff’s Station at 4554 Briggs Ave. […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

The Story of Glendale High’s Legendary Track Coach Recently my good friend Art Cobery expressed to me the admiration he had for one of the greatest athletes and running coaches that he knew of: Glendale High’s Ranier de Mandel. Remember that Glendale and Hoover were our high schools until CV High was built in 1960, […]


More Needs to Be Done to Help Syrian Refugees Over the past four years, the world has watched in horror as Syria has descended into chaos. The clash between Bashar Al-Assad’s brutal regime, assorted rebel groups and militant Islamic extremists has left the country a nightmarish war-zone and helped produce the biggest refugee crisis since […]


  Applauds Mike Lawler   I don’t know how Mike Lawler does it! Week in and week out he comes up with some of the most interesting columns. Last week’s “CV is the Front Line of the Squirrel Wars” [Viewpoints, Treasures of the Valley] kicked it up another notch. Thank you, CV Weekly, for providing […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

CV is the Front Line of the Squirrel Wars The Crescenta Valley is currently the front line in yet another battle between a native species and invasive species. In this case it’s the native western gray squirrel versus the invasive eastern fox squirrel. While the invasive fox squirrels occupy the valley, the native gray squirrels […]

News from CV Alliance

Hi, CV! Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter (and like us if you do). I found a really neat article about how to look through your teen’s room and notice signs of drug and alcohol use. I know groups talk about this, but this is the first time I’ve seen an exhibit in a […]


Do you have a $25,000 idea? The 21st century has presented us with many exceptional challenges, from resource protection and sustainability practices to energy conservation, as well as knowledge sharing and privacy preservation. Our ability to meet these challenges and improve the quality of life for Californians will require creative solutions — innovation will be […]


    HANGING BALCONIES PUT TAXPAYERS AT LEGAL RISK!   On July 21, 2015, about a dozen pictures of the Holland Partners mega apartment complexes on Wilson/Brand and Wilson/Orange were shown at [Glendale City] council. The pictures were of dangerous balconies hanging over the public right-of-way at both buildings. In order for the developer to […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Finally, A Historic Preservation Ordinance For La Crescenta! I’m asked regularly what can be done to preserve older homes from demolition, and my response has always been, “It depends on where you live.” Communities around us such as Sunland/Tujunga and Glendale have for many years enjoyed the ability to preserve their history by working through […]

NEWS FROM CVTC Robbyn Battles

Breaking Community News coming from the CV Town Council this month: I am proud to announce that Supervisor Michael Antonovich has secured $1 million for medians along Foothill Boulevard in the unincorporated area of La Crescenta. Over the years people have always said it sure would be nice to have medians on Foothill. Look how […]