NEWS FROM Sacramento »Assemblymember Mike Gatto

Scams Target Seniors of All Backgrounds If you haven’t read Robin Goldsworthy’s publisher’s note from last week’s CV Weekly recounting reporter Mary O’Keefe’s run-in with an attempted scam against her mother, I hope you do. I was extremely grateful to Robin for reiterating the need to be informed about financial and other forms of abuse […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Orange Spaghetti? Silly String? UFO Droppings? What Is It?! You’ve seen it, and no doubt wondered what the heck it was – tangles of bright yellow or orange string that cover plants, usually out in the chaparral, but sometimes in your yard as well. There are currently great masses of it on either side of […]

News from CV Alliance

At our March Strategic Partners meeting we heard an update on Prop 47, the Reduced Penalties for Some Crimes Initiative. In November 2014, 59.61% of voters supported Prop. 47 backers’ argument that it would reduce prison overcrowding by reclassifying most “non-serious and nonviolent property and drug crimes” from a felony to a misdemeanor. Sounds good […]


CV Weekly had an overwhelming response to our story on the newly installed diagonal crosswalk. Here is a sampling of the comments received. Finally, a solution for a problem that never existed. This was the easiest and most pleasant intersection in Glendale for a pedestrian to cross the street. It always felt quick and safe. […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

One of Our Weirdest Native Plants – The Wild Cucumber Those venturing out onto our local trails this time of year are bound to notice light green vines growing out across the trails and climbing up into the surrounding chaparral. Walk the same trail the next day and the vines will be twice as long […]


CV Town Council updates and topics for discussion in the coming months.     GUSD Candidate Debate. Our March 19 council meeting will feature all five candidates running for Glendale school board. We decided on a debate so you can hear unscripted responses and how the candidates think on their feet. Councilmember Claessens will be […]

News from CV Alliance

Hi, CV! For those of you who love statistics, here are a few from this past week. Ninety percent of cigarette smokers started as teens. Ninety percent of kids who purchase e-cigs and vapes do so online. Seventy five percent of people who comply with prescribed treatment, whether for diabetes or addiction, are successful. Sixty […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Treasures of the Valley   » Mike Lawler

A Ghostly Wife Leads a Grieving Husband to Her Lost Corpse As we delve into the records of the Ananda Ashrama, we find yet another tale of the supernatural. This one involves Phillip and Ruth Reihl, a La Crescenta couple in their 30s who were followers of Swami Paramananda. They had both been involved in […]

News from CV Alliance

Hi, CV! We’ve had some terrific presentations lately, and since many of you were unable to attend, here are the salient points that I took away from both Arsineh Ararat and John Howell for your consideration: Food is really important. Eat dinner together at least twice a week. It’s really important for the family to […]

NEWS FROM the CVCA »Sharon Weisman

I want to thank Paula Devine, Edith Fuentes, Vartan Gharpetian, Erik Yesayan and Dave Weaver for participating in the Crescenta Valley Community Association’s Glendale City Council candidate forum on Feb. 26. Unfortunately, candidates Evelyne Poghosyan and Chahe Keuroghelian were not able to make it. Also thanks to those who came to hear the candidates’ positions […]