Robotics Team Cheers on Their Mentor [Clark Magnet High School] robotics team 696, the Circuit Breakers, congratulates their teacher and head mentor, David Black. This Friday, March 6, Mr. Black will be receiving the Diamond Award for Distinguished Achievement in Science and Technology from the Glendale Education Foundation. This award is given to individuals who […]
The Miracle of La Crescenta – Fireproof Ananda Ashrama Nov. 21, 1933 It was a quiet Tuesday evening at the Ananda Ashrama after a long hot summer. In the cool solitude of the 120-acre spiritual retreat at the top of Pennsylvania Avenue, the Ashrama sisters read, sewed or meditated. A mile away in Pickens Canyon […]
Planetary Science and the Great Adventure In December, NASA launched its first unmanned test flight of the Orion spacecraft, which will eventually take astronauts to an asteroid and Mars. Think about that for a second – what was only dreamt about in science fiction novels and films will become a reality within the lifetime of […]
Mike Lawler’s recent column about the proposed Verdugo Wash Bike Path (PVWBP) sounds like a commercial – all glowing promises, but I am sure residents can look at the wash for themselves and see it is not clear cut. One reader recently compared the PVWBP to the Chandler Bike Path in Burbank. The Burbank path […]
Hi, CV! We have the most diligent experts teaching our kids, like TUPE instructor Violet Mesrkhani, PhD. I may have confused you when sharing what a student said to her in one of the Tobacco Use Prevention Education classes, and she set the record straight. Violet warns that “the word ‘vaping’ or ‘vapor’ is usually […]
A Common Sense Solution for Midday and Late-Night Traffic It has happened to anyone who lives in Southern California. A late-night accident or mysterious slowing clogs the rightmost freeway lanes, while the carpool lane sits empty − a situation that seems to defy common sense. There is no reason why drivers should have to continue […]
Ananda Ashrama Today – Part 3 La Crescenta’s Ananda Ashrama went through some changes after its founder and leader Swami Paramananda died in 1940. Vedanta, a branch of Hinduism and Ananda Ashrama’s philosophical base, had its parent order in India. Although it was a gender inclusive philosophy – both sexes are ordained – traditional Indian […]
Hi, CV! Did you know four Marlboro Men died from smoking-related illnesses? I watch John Oliver’s HBO show, “Last Week Tonight” and learned this fact during his exposé on tobacco, specifically Big Tobacco. Google it for yourself. The language is raw; the facts are cold. While no mention was made of e-cigs, hookah or vaping, […]
When I had the honor of becoming CV Town Council president in 2014, one of the goals I set for Council was to start reaching out to our neighbors, not just within our unincorporated area, but our neighboring cities as well. Issues do not stop at Pennsylvania Avenue and Foothill Boulevard or Montrose Avenue. For […]
Ananda Ashrama – Part 2 Last week I wrote about Swami Paramananda coming to America from India, his establishment of the Vedanta Centre in Boston, and then his expansion to California in 1923 with the purchase of a ranch in La Crescenta. Swami Paramananda and his philosophy of Vedanta already had a good following from […]