News from CV Alliance

Among the programs we have for parents, I want to encourage you to come to our top-notch parent sessions on Tuesday nights. You’ll learn something new, be reminded of something forgotten, and you’ll want to come back. Last week, Arsineh Ararat told parents that if you are doing your kid’s homework, you’re a friend. Be […]

Dear CV Town Council and Crescenta Commons Volunteers,

Dear CV Town Council and Crescenta Commons Volunteers,

Dear CV Town Council and Crescenta Commons Volunteers, We would like to sincerely thank you for providing the beautiful Crescenta Commons to our community and allowing us, the Bayles family, an opportunity to dedicate a bench in honor of our beloved late father, Calvin Bayles. All 39 Bayles members, including Calvin’s wife, seven children and […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Ananda Ashrama – Part 1 Of the many “treasures of the Valley” that I write about, there are few as intriguing, as beautiful and, to most CV residents, as mysterious as the Ananda Ashrama. The Ashrama is a 120-acre spiritual retreat that lies hidden in the heart of CV, sandwiched between a residential neighborhood and […]


The Glendale City Council considered the 710 extension issue again at their Jan. 27 council meeting and will be participating in the new Community Based Transportation Coalition. I appreciate that Councilmember Paula Devine voted with Councilmembers Friedman and Najarian to have Glendale work for a more responsible transportation policy. I hope we don’t need to […]


Homework Rant Homework sucks. Our kids go to school every day for six hours to learn and do classwork, then get sent home with more work to do. How many adults reading this like going to work for eight hours a day, then going home to spend more time working (for free)? And the irony […]

News from CV Alliance

Hi CV! In his talk, “Rehab & Relapse,” Ben Salazar, program director, GCC Alcohol/Drug Studies, explained the disease of addiction. Like diabetes, asthma and epilepsy, addiction is a chronic condition that cannot be cured. So, say someone goes to a rehabilitation facility for alcohol abuse treatment; what are the chances they’ll achieve sobriety? According to […]

News from CV Alliance

Hi, CV! We learned much at “Is Your Home Safe for Teens?” presented by Didi Hirsch AOD Prevention and “Teen Anxiety and Depression” by Lisa Vartanian, PhD, chair, East L.A. College Addiction Studies Program. Use “I” sentences when talking to your kids. “I don’t want you to smoke marijuana because your brain isn’t fully developed.” […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Treasures of the Valley   » Mike Lawler

Glendale’s Tomas Sanchez – One of L.A.’s Greatest Sheriffs I recently visited the Casa Adobe de San Rafael in Glendale, one of two local remnants of the Spanish and Mexican eras in Glendale (Catalina Verdugo Adobe is the other). The site is gorgeous, located in a residential neighborhood between downtown Glendale and the Verdugo Mountains. […]


Vast and Often Anonymous Campaign Expenditures Threaten Our Political System I remember the first time I heard the ad on the radio. I was driving down the 134 Freeway, three weeks before Election Day in 2000, and in a very competitive race for Congress against the incumbent. An angry woman’s voice came on the radio […]


The Crescenta Valley Water District (CVWD) has been a public Special Water District since the mid 1950s; however, the name does not describe all that CVWD does. Since the late 1970s, CVWD has been operating and maintaining a sewage collection system in La Crescenta, Montrose and adjacent parts of the City of Glendale and the […]