It’s A Sad Day In Sunland-Tujunga In a small community such as Sunland-Tujunga, bigotry exists today. I am referring to a letter published locally that should never have been published. This town has been riddled with hate and prejudice for years; many know our history. Sunland-Tujunga is one big melting pot; there should be no […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

Another New Book! “Frontier Days in Crescenta Valley” Joining the many local history books on the shelves is the latest from the current president of the Historical Society of the Crescenta Valley, Jo Anne Sadler. Jo Anne had previously written, “Crescenta Valley Pioneers and Their Legacies.” That book focused on biographies of many of our […]

News from CV Alliance »Suzy Jacobs

Congratulations to you and your family on the completion of another successful school year! As we know, summer is a time for experimentation. In addition to telling your child about the dangers drugs and alcohol have on their developing brains and your expectations of them, please discuss Teen 911 Immunity. Anthony Portantino passed this law […]

i’ve been thinking… » Sharon Ragavachary

Looking Back on the Days of Summer The last day of school for the kids was on Tuesday and it started me reminiscing about my summer vacations. My friends and I couldn’t wait for that last school bell to ring marking our two and a half months of freedom. Freedom from classrooms, freedom from homework, […]


Remembering Joe & Marian Mirsky – The  “Honorary Grandparents” of CVHS   Special thanks to the Crescenta Valley Town Council for honoring Joe and Marian Mirsky at the May 31 Arbor Day celebration. Joe was noticed by CV Principal Sam Nicholson walking around the track, recovering from a heart issue. Sam invited Joe to walk […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

New Book! ‘Wicked Crescenta Valley’ Books on the history of the Crescenta Valley have been numerous in the last few years, and more are coming! There are two out in the next couple of weeks – “Wicked Crescenta Valley”, available now, and “Frontier Days in Crescenta Valley: Portraits of Life in the Foothills”, which releases […]


On Downtown Development As more and more multi-housing projects go up in the downtown area, I keep asking where is Mike Mohill to put on the brakes? Mr. Mohill is for smart growth and not run-away growth…approximately 3,800 new apartments are in the pipeline… congestion and traffic will only worsen. High rises are being dumped […]

NEWS FROM THE CVWD board of directors

The Drought and Crescenta Valley Water Governor Brown declared a statewide drought in January 2014 urging all Californians to voluntarily reduce their water usage by 20%. This action was followed by an executive order in late April further emphasizing the severity of the drought and calling for all Californians to conserve water in every way […]

News from CV Alliance »Suzy jacobs

Elliot Rodger raises many avenues for analysis including, but not limited to, mental illness, misogyny, alienation, guns, and safety net systems. There is much to say, but for now, I’m leaving those words to experts. Instead, I suggest you keep a good thought for understanding, recovery and humanity. My daughter would rather talk to her […]


Federal Governments Overreach Into Education The Strong Start for America’s Children Act, SB 1697 will be using federal dollars to create universal preschool programs. In addition, money would be used to fund the “Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program” which was created in the Affordable Care Act. What is the federal government’s agenda […]