Putting a Human Face on the La Tuna Canyon Detention Center We’ve heard much about CV’s WWII “Japanese internment camp” over the years. What is now the site of the Verdugo Hills Golf Course was, during the war, an interrogation center for resident Japanese, German and Italians who were perceived as being a possible threat […]
School is in the Home Stretch; Plan Ahead for Stressful Times Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance. ~ Brian Tracy When you fly on […]
As president this year of the CV Town Council, my goal has been to reach out to our neighboring cities, local agencies and our elected officials through our State of the Community Series. Our April meeting guest will be former La Cañada mayor, now La Cañada City councilmember, Laura Olhasso. Our communities share many of […]
OPINION After over two years of covering the story about John Drayman being charged with embezzlement, it has finally come to an end with his sentencing on Monday – well at least a part of the story has concluded. There will still be stories when he is released, and more than likely some follow up, […]
“Our Town. Our Health. Our Future” is the theme for April’s Underage Drinking Prevention Month programs. We participate in this national effort at our Teen Trials & Tribulations, a series of four talks that takes place tonight Thursday, April 10 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the CV High School library, 2900 Community Ave. […]
The Classic Hotel Tujunga Lives On in Foothill Retirement Home On the western edge of the Crescenta Valley, just slightly into Tujunga, lies a living piece of Old California. Foothill Retirement home was once the Hotel Tujunga, a health resort in the 1930s, and before that was a place wrapped in legends dating back to […]
An Old Vineyard Trail Reopened in Deukmejian Park Just a couple months ago, the all volunteer Crescenta Valley Trail Crew re-cut an old trail out of the sagebrush on the east side of Dunsmore Canyon. It had previously been called the Boy Scout Trail in honor of an Eagle Scout who created the trail over […]
The Status of Our Students Before I get into the subject of my first column, I’d like to thank publisher Robin Goldsworthy for inviting me to write for the CV Weekly. I am honored to be in the esteemed company of CV Town Council President Robbyn Battles, Assemblyman Mike Gatto, and Congressman Adam Schiff. The […]
Greetings from CV Alliance! “Children have never been very good at listening to their elders but they have never failed to imitate them.” James Baldwin April is Underage Drinking Prevention Month and we’re having the last of our four planned Teen Trials & Tribulations talks on Thursday, April 10 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. […]
What the UUT and GFT Do for You There has been a lot of discussion around town regarding the alphabet soup of City [of Glendale] finances – GFT, UUT, etc. To date, there are two lawsuits filed against the city regarding the General Fund Transfer, or GFT, from Glendale Water & Power. There is also […]