Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

The Silver Tree Inn I have written before about the original La Crescenta Hotel, which blew down in a terrible windstorm, taking two lives. The two-story hotel was located on the corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rosemont Avenue, a little behind Foster’s Donuts. It was built in 1887 and blew down in December of that […]



My Day, My Way July is my birthday month. I am not one to make a big deal about it or bring attention to myself but I do admit that it is nice to have a special day that’s solely mine, once a year. I have found only a couple of people who share my […]

Letters to the Editor

Farewell to Honorable Man When I read in the Crescenta Valley Weekly that the Hon. Carl Raggio has gone beyond the veil and his funeral service would be July 21 at Holy Redeemer Church in Montrose, I said to myself, “Whoa!” I first met Hon. Raggio when I first spoke at the Glendale City Council in January 1992. At Glendale City […]

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

News of the Valley – Summer 1929 Newspapers of the valley’s past give a view into the daily life of our early residents. Here’s a skim of the headlines and story summaries of a particular day in the summer of 1929, almost a century ago, along with a few observations of my own. “Deny Knowledge […]



Restoring Integrity and Balance to the Supreme Court     The U.S. Supreme Court is in desperate need of reform. Over the past several years, we’ve witnessed a rapid erosion of trust in the American judicial system as ethics scandals and precedent shattering decisions by the Court have become commonplace occurrences. We must take urgent action to […]

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

Glendale’s Gold Mines We have a lot of old abandoned mines locally – gold mines in Big Tujunga Canyon, especially up near the top at Mill Creek, a graphite mine in the Verdugos, across the freeway from the former golf course, the myriad of water mines in each canyon of the San Gabriel Mountains above […]

Letters to the Editor

GUSD is Being Targeted Glendale Unified School District (GUSD) has become a target of extremists aiming to reshape public schools. Led by failed city council candidate Jordan Henry, these extremists have been fueling controversy since 2020, protesting mask mandates, distance learning and vaccine requirements. Henry, a newcomer to Glendale with no children in the district, […]

News from Sacramento <<< Laura Friedman

Slow Down and Save Lives We lose 1,000 Californians every year to speeding or speed-related injuries. Another 3,300 are injured, disfigured or disabled. We justifiably spend a great deal of time talking about reckless driving, road rage incidents and the danger of texting while driving when none of those things, dangerous and illegal though they […]

Letter to the Editor

Feels the Recent CVWD Meeting was ‘Disastrous’ It has taken me a long time to calm down and compile my thoughts after the disastrous CVWD meeting on June 27. Although I took careful notes, the chaos of the meeting is hard to describe in a concise way. I have lived in the same house in […]


As summer is upon us, your Crescenta Valley Town Council is hard at work in the community. At our last general meeting, we awarded five scholarships to outgoing seniors from Crescenta Valley and Clark Magnet high schools. These recipients were selected from a very impressive group of applicants. This year we awarded a scholarship for […]