My Thoughts, Exactly » Jim Chase

Taking the Weekend By Storm This past weekend, while my CV Weekly colleagues were dog paddling down Honolulu Avenue during the Montrose Christmas parade, my wife and I were having our own weathery adventures out of town. We drove north on Highway 14 late Friday afternoon, stopping in Mojave to fuel up and getting our […]

OP ED From Assembly member Mike Gatto

“There ought to be a law for that” I try to seek bill ideas from regular Californians. I have gotten some great ideas from sources as varied as local cops, utility ratepayers and even my father. For example, my friends in the Glendale Police Department came to me a couple years ago and asked me […]


Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree! The good weather made the Montrose Christmas Tree Lighting Festival a great success … no rain fell on this parade. A snow-making machine helped make Honolulu Avenue feel like a Winter Wonderland. Saw little kids and bigger kids with gray hair throwing snowballs. One even hit one of the […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

Home Tour Features Historic Buildings with Good Stories This Saturday the Crescenta-Cañada Heritage Home Tour will open seven historic buildings in La Crescenta and La Cañada. The tour is being called “Sites with a Story,” and at each location local historians have come up with some drama that will thrill those visitors who have enough […]


Laying Out the ‘Sweet’ Facts Jim Chase is wishing a pox on the wrong house. It wasn’t the bakers union that caused the demise of the Hostess products he so loves. Union workers have been giving back benefits and accepting less pay for years while the company struggled with poor management. Meanwhile the executives gave […]

My Thoughts, Exactly » Jim Chase

The Dark Side of Black Friday Whoever “they” are, they finally did it. They figured out how to make the days between Halloween and New Year’s one long, seamless spending and shopping season without the interference of that bothersome little holiday known as Thanksgiving. How? By ignoring it. Specifically, what was previously a mostly un-marketable […]

My Thoughts, Exactly » Jim Chase

Turning the Key to Happiness I’ve heard it said that, “The key to happiness is forged from gratitude.” Okay – so, I actually made that one up. But the philosophy behind it comes from years of profound counsel from wise folks like nationally syndicated talk show host (and fellow Crescenta Valley resident) Dennis Prager, who […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

Tuna Camp and Charlie Chaplin’s Chauffeur Tuna Camp, now the site of the Verdugo Hills Golf Course, was a detention center during WWII for Japanese, Germans and Italians. It held enemy aliens for interrogation before they were released or sent to larger prisons inland. One Japanese man who spent time there on a charge of […]

Post-Election: A Time for Healing and Unity

A couple of weeks ago, I attended a vigil for victims of domestic violence. Taking place only 10 days before the election, my week had been filled with divisive campaign rhetoric. The vigil on the other hand was filled with neighbors setting aside political differences to show support for one-another and help each other succeed. […]


Shameful Behavior On Nov. 9, I attended a first-round CIF play-off football game between Ribet Academy (Los Angeles) and Flintridge Prep (La Cañada). When I showed up at Ribet Academy, I noticed that the home team had sacrificed their entire set of bleachers for the Flintridge parents and fans. Right next to the bleachers was […]