Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

The Pink Castle When I was growing up, the Pink Castle was a common yet mysterious sight on the northern slopes of the La Cañada valley. It could be spotted occasionally as a bright glimpse of pink amongst the trees and houses of La Cañada above Foothill. But it really stood out when hiking up […]


Glad to Hear from Drayman It has been too long since we’ve heard John Drayman’s excellent perspective on our foundations as a community (“Going, going, gone … a town is born,” Letters, March 8). “Promised land” is right, and my feeling exactly when I discovered here the interconnectedness of a small town, nestled in nature’s […]

My Thoughts, Exactly » Jim Chase

The Boys in the Band Forget John, Paul, George and Ringo. In 1967 the hottest band in the Crescenta Valley was “Mother’s Complaint” whose members consisted of Rene, Kevin, Dennis and yours truly. In spite of the fact that I’ve made a living as a writer most of my adult life, I won’t be surprised […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

High School Robotics Teams: Making Future History I usually write about our valley’s quirky and dynamic past. But I’m occasionally struck by something going on today that makes me realize we’re just as quirky and dynamic today. A good example is the fast growing high school team sport of robotics. Every local school has one […]


Going, Going, Gone … A Town is Born! “Take an auto ride with us on Saturday. It’s Opening Day for Montrose, the new townsite, up beyond Verdugo Park. Our autos will meet you at Glendale Depot. Come up and enjoy the barbecue lunch which Senor J. Romero, the famous Spanish Chef, will serve 11 to […]

My Thoughts, Exactly » Jim Chase

Living In Wonder-land Increasingly, we’re living in a land of wonders. I submit for your consideration: I wonder … if anyone else finds it unbelievable that the California Department of Health Services has just made it possible for boys  (“boys” being the operative word here) as young as 12 to order condoms – free of […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

The Woman in the Iron Lung One vivid memory of my time at La Crescenta Elementary School was waiting to cross the street to the school on the corner of La Crescenta and Prospect avenues. We kids would surreptitiously glance across Prospect to the bay window of the house on the corner. Quite often we […]


“Say what you mean, but don’t be mean” I am a mother, grandmother, and a very happy homeowner in beautiful La Crescenta. As our community unites together, may we always pray for Drew Ferraro, his family, his friends, his great teachers and wonderful CVHS. Perhaps we can tell our children to remember to always reach […]


From the GUSD To the Glendale/La Crescenta Community: On Friday, Feb. 10, Crescenta Valley High School (CVHS) and the La Crescenta and Glendale communities were devastated by the suicide of a 10th-grade student. The community has come together to support the family, the students, the staff and each other. On behalf of the board of […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

Iron Eyes Cody’s Secret Katherine Yamada, longtime columnist for the Glendale News Press, does a wonderful weekly Glendale history column called “Verdugo Views.” I’ve been reading her column faithfully for years now, as I hope you have. She and I have collaborated many times, even before I started this column, exchanging info about local history. […]