Disappointment with TJ’s As much as I appreciate having a Trader Joe’s in Montrose, it was disappointing to watch another new building go up without solar panels. For anyone concerned with clean energy, this was a missed opportunity. With the City now drafting plans to develop north Glendale and Foothill Boulevard, I urge fellow residents […]

My Thoughts, Exactly » Jim Chase

Home Is Where the Office Is Last week I “celebrated” 15 years of self-employment. That word is in quotes because, frankly, the economic freefall of the past few years has hit my industry even harder than most. In the ad biz, it’s common knowledge that when the economy goes south, advertising budgets are the first […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

The Montrose Town Clock When I visited the new Montrose Trader Joe’s, I happily noted how well they had used the themes of the community in their architecture and interior décor. I wish all new developments would take a clue from the success of this philosophy and let their new structures say something about the […]


Found Some Inspiration Born, raised and still living in Glendale and La Crescenta, I graduated from CV a little before Jim Chase in 1971. While there are some differences in our life experiences and philosophy, many overlap. Whether it be backpacking, baccalaureate, conservative politics, faith, family traditions, or the myriad of things to wonder (or […]

My Thoughts, Exactly » Jim Chase

A Whale of an Expensive Day Welcome back. Okay, where were we last week? Oh, yes … outside the exit to SeaWorld’s Shipwreck Rapids ride discussing the $5-a-pop walk-in “drying stations.” It’s actually an ingenious set up – first you soak shivering riders to the bone, then offer them immediate relief – for a price. […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

Celeb Baseball Games Funded Two Strike Park The Crescenta Valley, due to its proximity to Hollywood, had always had its share of famous film-star residents, but there was one that stood out. La Cañada resident Dennis Morgan was one of the top leading men of the ’40s and ’50s, and during the height of his […]

News from the CVDAPC

Drug Take Back Event on Saturday The Crescenta Valley Drug and Alcohol Prevention Coalition, in partnership with the Drug Enforcement Administration, will sponsor a prescription drug take back event on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at three local collection points: CVS Pharmacy in Montrose, Rite-Aid Pharmacy in La Crescenta and the CV Sheriff’s […]

My Thoughts, Exactly » Jim Chase

Getting Soaked at SeaWorld On a recent Saturday, my wife and I drove to visit our son and his girlfriend down at the small college they attend just north of San Diego. After a relaxed al fresco breakfast with a side of great conversation, the four of us headed out to spend the unseasonably warm, […]


Easy Job I have the easiest job in LCF. I am the campaign treasurer for Ernest Koeppen, the man who is seeking to be elected to the La Cañada school board, but is not seeking contributions to fund his campaign. Ernest believes that local school board campaigns should not be a political campaign, but a […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

The San Gabriels – Our Mother Mountains I wrote recently about the historical name change of the peak above us, Mt. Lukens, and its former life as Sister Elsie Peak. My friend Art Cobery suggested I let readers know that the entire San Gabriel Mountain range above us also went through a similar name change. […]