My Thoughts, Exactly » Jim Chase

A Little Rain, A Lot of Trouble With the unexpectedly heavy rains of last week, we’ve had our first official taste of, well, something other than summer. Granted, our true winter season, for what it’s worth, is likely to still be at least two or three months off and may not bring with it another […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

CV’s Oil Boom of 1927 In the 1920s, Los Angeles was in the grip of oil fever. Oil had always been a part of the natural landscape of Southern California, had been used by the Indians to waterproof their boats and by the Spanish to seal their roofs. It wasn’t until the 1890s that oil […]


No Problem with Starbucks I am mystified why people would be against Starbucks in the Montrose Shopping Area. It is my understanding this company is something of the American Dream story – a man who took a chance on an idea and was successful. I am seeing articles opining against Starbucks in Montrose at the […]

My Thoughts, Exactly » Jim Chase

High Flying Fun One of the cool things about living here in the Crescenta Valley – at least for an adrenaline-addict like me – is our close proximity to many private airports. Growing up here, my siblings and I were some of the very lucky few of our friends and schoolmates who had the regular […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

How Deukmejian Wilderness Park Got Its Name I recently had the honor to sit down with Nello Iacono who was the head of the Glendale Parks Department from 1988 to 2003, to get the story behind the purchase and development of Deukmejian Wilderness Park. Nello was intimately involved in its purchase and oversaw the park […]


Comments are “Absolute Poetry” Wow. Jim Chase’s [Viewpoints, Sept. 29] piece was absolute poetry. His stories always cause a reaction whether it be laughter, melancholy, compassion, etc. But this time he may have outdone himself … truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing. Julie Buzzelli Montrose Looking For Clarity Nobody I know wants to be surrounded […]


By David Marquez The Crescenta Valley Drug and Alcohol Prevention Coalition will sponsor the inaugural local screening of the film, “The Race to Nowhere” on Monday, Oct. 3 at 7 p.m. at the Crescenta Valley High School auditorium. The event is a fundraiser for the Coalition. Advance online tickets are $10, $15 at the door. […]

Montrose Search and Rescue – “Man In The Water!”

By Mike LAWLER Last week I wrote about the new memorial at the CV Sheriff Station and the info on Deputy Horr, one of the two names on the plaque. This week I’ll tell the story behind the other name on the memorial’s plaque, Reserve Deputy Charles Rea, a member of the famous all-volunteer Montrose […]

My Thoughts, Exactly

A Mountain of Memories In an article for the Sierra Club Bulletin in February of 1932, legendary photographer and California native Ansel Adams wrote about the feeling of being surrounded by the majesty of the High Sierra mountain range. “No matter how sophisticated you may be, a large granite mountain cannot be denied,” he wrote. […]

My Thoughts, Exactly » Jim Chase

Peaks and Valleys Unlike a climber on a rope, I won’t leave you hanging. Our attempt to hike to the 14,505-foot summit of Mt. Whitney is over. And … (drum roll, please) we did not reach our goal. We came close. Oh, so achingly, frustratingly close. But, no cigar. And as I’ve always said, closeness […]