Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

I think we’ve all done a double-take when heading down the [Glendale] 2 Freeway and seeing the Adopt-A-Highway sign that shows that litter pickup on that stretch of our freeway is done by a group called Atheists United. I’ve been curious about this for some time, and was surprised to find that two of my […]


Commends Weisman [I] just want to thank Sharon Weisman for her fine piece on the Community Plan for North Glendale. Here is a copy of my thoughts sent to the Planning Commissioners: I am writing to express my strong feelings in regard to the proposal for increased height limits on commercial structures along Foothill Boulevard […]

Racking Up Needless Spending?

I’m probably going to ruffle some local feathers with my comments this week, because the subject of this column took considerable effort by some of my fellow Foothills residents to make happen. As an avid cyclist, I’m thrilled that we now have bike lanes on Foothill. I thank the CV Town Council from the bottom […]

More Memories of Spike Jones Market

Last week I wrote about Spike Jones Market that was located on the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and La Crescenta Avenue through the ’50s and ’60s. That brought in several emails from former customers that fondly remembered the little community market. Floyd Farrar grew up in the valley, but now lives in Orange County. […]

My Thoughts, Exactly » Jim Chase

On The Trail to New Discoveries As I mentioned last week, one of the blessings of living in the Crescenta Valley is our close proximity and easy access to a seemingly endless network of hiking and biking trails. Since the beginning of this year, my wife and I have enjoyed a newfound focus on better […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

Spike Jones Market Spike Jones Market was an instantly recognizable landmark in La Crescenta during the ’50s and ’60s, thanks to a gigantic neon blade sign featuring a caricature of the very famous comedian/musician Spike Jones. The neighborhood store, located on the southeast corner of La Crescenta Avenue and Foothill Boulevard, was rather small by […]


Clarification on Foothill Height Limits A recent letter to the editor in the Crescenta Valley Weekly (and other publications) on the height limit of Foothill Boulevard lacked a few details. The height limit is based from the lowest point of the property. Since just about all of the south side of Foothill Boulevard properties have […]

Happy Trails

Last Friday, my wife and our home-from-Montana-for-the-summer son made an early evening escape 300 miles up Hwy 395 to Mammoth Lakes. Due to the reality of too much work and not enough vacation time, our stay was limited to the weekend. Still, we managed to come back to the Crescenta Valley Sunday night filthy, sunburned, […]

The Height Fight on Foothill

Can you envision Foothill Boulevard as a canyon of office towers? A little extreme perhaps, but a distinct possibility in a planning document currently being designed by the City of Glendale. The “North Glendale Community Plan” will guide future development in the Glendale portion of Foothill Boulevard, and a 50-foot building height limit is currently […]


Shares the Joy I wish to commend Jim Chase on his CV Weekly article “Summer Job or Summer School?” [My Thoughts Exactly, Aug. 4]. I find it hard to express how proud I am of his son. As an 18-year-old teen, I gave my heart to Jesus at a youth camp in Colorado. I am […]