My Thoughts, Exactly » Jim Chase

Summer Job or Summer School? Last week I revisited some of the summer jobs of my long-ago youth. (And no, helping Herr Gutenberg print Bibles was not one of them.) I was reminded of this topic when my wife and I visited our youngest son recently at his summer job at Hume Lake Christian Camps […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

Aircraft Landings in CV – Successful and Unsuccessful Because Los Angeles has been one of the greatest centers of early aircraft development, the Crescenta Valley has been used many times as an emergency landing strip for those often unreliable pioneering airplanes. One successful emergency landing took place in May of 1931. A couple of daring […]


Where’s Our NEVs? Of all the ideas to help reduce our dependency on foreign oil, clearly the best is the NEV … Neighborhood Electric Vehicle. Our cities, towns and villages should be [bustling] with them to run the countless daily errands not requiring a large or specialized vehicle. If a third or a half or […]


Distasteful Billboards Not Appreciated Billboard companies are at it again … this time it’s Adult Convention ads. What’s next? During the past few years our community has been subjected to questionable ads for radio stations, television shows and now adult conventions. Much to his credit, Supervisor Michael Antonovich has always been supportive of our efforts […]

The Job of Personal Growth

As far back as I can remember, I had summer jobs. That was just an expected part of growing up around our house. Other than the seemingly endless list of chores and projects that my dad would have for my brothers and me, however, I don’t remember what the actual jobs might have been. Maybe […]

Death Once Stalked our American Legion Hall

The Verdugo Hills Memorial Hall located at 4011 La Crescenta Ave. serves as the home for local American Legion Post 288 and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. It also hosts church groups, exercise classes and Boy Scout meetings. But unbeknownst to most, this hall was the site of swift and powerful violence that took the […]

My Thoughts, Exactly

Speaking Up for Service Clubs Last week, I had the unique pleasure of being the guest speaker at the Tuesday night meeting of the Jewel City Kiwanis Club. I have to admit, for all my many years on the planet, my knowledge of what happens at a Kiwanis meeting was almost nil. Sure, I have […]

Treasures of the Valley

Listening to Memories One thing I truly enjoy is to hear an old-timer tell stories about life in early CV. Recently I caught up with Joe Rakisits and his wife Linda and wrote down some of his memories. Joe gets a wonderful twinkle in his eye when he tells about the hi-jinks he and his […]


Appeals for Support For over 236 years, we Americans have owed our freedoms to the men and women of the United States Army. Now, at long last, the American solider will be honored with the National Museum of the U.S. Army near our nation’s Capitol. Many members of our community have proudly worn the uniform […]


Finding Strength in Numbers After confronting bad news, the good news arrives when you find out you are not alone. Last month, while I was observing my son and the rest of his Crescenta Valley Soccer Club teammates run, dribble and shoot through practice, I engaged in a conversation, as I usually do, with the […]