Letters to the Editor

A Note of Thanks The board of education and I would like to thank the Glendale/La Crescenta community for their overwhelming support of Measure S. We are extremely grateful to the community for the unwavering endorsement of the Glendale Unified School District. On a personal note, I would like to thank those of you who […]

The Parrots of Crescenta Valley

Many wild animals have adapted and even flourished in our increasingly urban Foothills community – coyotes, raccoons, possums and hawks. But there is one non-native wild species that seemingly defies credulity for surviving and thriving in the Crescenta Valley – wild parrots! I first noticed them about five years ago, a small flock feasting on […]

My wife, Moammar and me

Pop question: What was happening in the world 25 years ago this week? President Ronald Reagan was considering a military strike against Libya due to Moammar Gaddafi’s involvement in a Berlin disco bombing. (Will this dangerous madman ever go away?) The Lakers played against the Sacramento Kings without Kareem Adbul-Jabbar who was out with a […]

Campaigns may have ended but the Race is Not Yet Done

Talk about a real nail biter. Steve and I spent election evening between the Measure S camp at the Overtime Bar & Grill in Glendale and with John Drayman supporters across the street at the Hilton. Soon after the polls closed it was apparent Measure S was going to pass and the crowd over at […]

Unleashing the Beast

If you’re a fan of scary movies, you’ve likely hunkered down in your seat as a familiar scene plays out on the screen. You know the one – where unsuspecting merchant seamen or long-haul truckers are transporting a huge and not nearly secure-enough enclosure with some unknown “thing” inside. They only know that something live […]

CV Then and Now Correction: Dueling Bill Baileys

Besides this column, I also do the “CV Then and Now” piece that has appeared in this paper since its beginning, and that ran in the previous CV Sun. I obtain old photos, match them to their current locations with a new photo, and then write some accompanying text. I can often be seen lurking […]

So Many Reasons To Get Out

Where does one start? I guess by praising God that we are entering the final week of this torrid campaign season. I would like to first offer my thanks to those who have thrown their hat into the ring for city council or school board or community college. I’m sure that many of these candidates […]

Holy Rock ‘n’ Roller

Holy Rock ‘n’ Roller

By Bruce GIBSON As guitarist for the Grammy-nominated jazz-fusion band Seawind, La Crescenta resident Buddy Nuanez has played numerous gigs locally as well as around the world. Though he’s no longer touring or playing the clubs anymore, Buddy can be seen playing live five times each weekend at one local venue – Montrose Church. As […]

Vote – It’s the Best Revenge

Commentary By Mary O’KEEFE I have been covering campaigns for a very long time. My editor asked me what I thought of this campaign and the phrase I continue to come back to is, “It’s a shame.” I have been very involved politically all my life and have seen some really nasty attacks with the […]

Letters To The Editor

Truth in Mailing I received in the mail today a particularly misleading mailer about the upcoming Glendale School Board election. It was not sent by a particular candidate but by the Glendale Teachers Association. It accuses current board member Mary Boger of almost single-handedly denying teachers a hot lunch. They are referring to a district […]