The Oldest Business on Foothill – La Crescenta Pharmacy

Whereas Montrose has a sense of stability, Foothill Boulevard’s business center and anchor storefronts have shifted like wind-blown sand dunes in the desert. Although Benjamin Briggs laid out the “city center” of La Crescenta at Foothill and La Crescenta Avenue in 1884, and a one-room post office, stage stop and general store sprang up on […]

Being Proactive in the Crescenta Valley

CVDAPC News » DAVID MARQUEZ Soon after taking the position of executive director of the Crescenta Valley Drug and Alcohol Prevention Coalition (CVDAPC) earlier this year, I was asked by many of my friends, “Why Crescenta Valley?  I didn’t know there was a drug and alcohol problem there. Why did it receive a Drug Free […]

Chrome is Where the Heart Is

One of the things that my dad and an older brother often did in their spare time was to take an ordinary car or truck, strip it down to its nuts and bolts, pistons and bearings, gaskets and gears – and then rebuild the entire vehicle from the tires to the headliner, turning it into […]

Drayman’s Fall from Grace and the Future of Montrose

I’m not a person of faith, yet I have had to summon a lot of that just that to continue to support John Drayman. The attacks on him have been unrelenting. Some have said, “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” I maintain that in some cases, and this is one of them, “Where there’s smoke, there’s […]


Chase’s Column is “Ride” On I enjoyed Jim Chase’s “Riders on the Storm” piece in the May 26 edition, extolling the virtues and rewards of bicycling. Yes! What a terrific activity – for all ages! I was wondering if folks in the Crescenta Valley, particularly high school students, are aware that among the many team […]

Our world is a place of many wonders – a baby’s birth, a bird in flight, the grandeur of snow-covered mountains, Donald Trump’s hair. Here are some of my personal wonders of late: I wonder … why pants with two legs are called a “pair” and eyeglasses with two lenses are a “pair,” but a […]

The Lost Wagon Trail of Angeles Crest

I joined the throngs of sightseers last weekend in taking advantage of the long-delayed opening of the Angeles Crest Highway. I’m always impressed with the nearly vertical rock faces the roadway cuts through and I often think about what a colossal task it must have been to build the road in the ’30s, ’40s and […]


Too Little, Too Late During the 2011 election, I strongly suggested the city go back to the unions and tell them to re-negotiate their previous lucrative salaries and pensions or the city should start out-sourcing jobs. Sure, last year a couple of unions did not take any pay increases or they accepted contributing larger amounts […]

A Waterfall of Hype

This week I must begin with a disclaimer or mea culpa, I’m not sure which is more appropriate. I’ve spent the last twenty-five-plus years writing advertising copy for clients as large and well-known as Nissan, the LA Dodgers, Blue Cross, Carnation Foods, Lockheed Martin, Baskin-Robbins and well, I’ll just say that I can be blamed […]

Chased Out by the Fire, They Returned in Time for the Flood

Dramatic stories of the New Years Flood of ’34 are seemingly never ending, but here’s one with a twist. This somewhat ironic story was told at the flood survivor’s presentation at the Library a few weeks ago, and comes to us from life-long Crescenta Valley resident Bob Lorenz. In 1933, the Lorenz family had a […]