What is the norm?

Raising children we’ve all heard it: “But everyone is allowed to do it.” The infamous words our children fling at us to get us to let them do something that we instinctively know we shouldn’t permit. The plea, however, begs the questions: “Is everyone allowed to do it?” and “What is the norm?” Last Saturday […]

Happy Trails to You, But Not in La Crescenta

We are blessed in the Crescenta Valley with incredible natural beauty. We’re sheltered on both sides by unspoiled mountains, like two loving arms embracing us. And of course, we have great access to these mountains for hiking, biking, equestrian sports, and just plain finding solitude – but not in La Crescenta! Let me elaborate. On […]

From Here to There and Back

Because Utah, Idaho and Montana have real winter weather, unlike the balmy, equatorial-like conditions we often have in Southern California during our “winter” months, I did not want my University of Montana student son to drive back to school from Christmas break (uh-oh, politically incorrect term alert!) by himself. Experienced driver that he may be, […]


Boy Scout Offers Thoughts on Sidewalks I am a Boy Scout from Troop 390 in La Crescenta. I am working on my Communications badge and wanted to write to you about the missing sidewalks of La Crescenta. I really like living here but one thing I have noticed is the lack of sidewalks. If my […]

Dining at Frank’s

Let’s face it – the Crescenta Valley has some terrific places to eat. Whether one is in the mood for barbecue, Italian, Mexican, traditional American, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese – it can pretty much be found in the foothills. But I had the pleasure of dining somewhere off the beaten path – at the former home […]

Sidewalk Silliness

I ’ve lived in the Crescenta Valley long enough (nearly my entire life, actually) to know that some of our often-heard local expressions have their origins in reality. For example, if you want it to rain, wash your car. I’ve lost count of how many winter or spring seasons I’ve carefully considered the weeks of […]

What’s New at Deukmejian Park?

Deukmejian Wilderness Park reopened last week with an amazing array of improvements. The park had been closed, prudently I feel, during our recent storms as Dunsmore Canyon that runs up the center of the park is, to put it mildly, geologically active and has the potential to get very slippery, very quick. Here’s a sampling […]

Still Looking Inward

While the investigation into ADI continues – and we, too, will be following its progress – I have to say thanks to the many folks who have taken the time to comment on the coverage provided by CV Weekly. Mary O’Keefe has been working diligently in gathering the facts and her story last week was […]

Your Timely Responses

I’ve been writing “My Thoughts, Exactly” once a week for several years now. Over the course of nearly 150 columns, I’ve extolled, criticized, expressed outright sarcasm, dished out a bit of humor (hopefully), and admitted to wonderment, optimism, hope, concern, frustration and despair about any number of things. I’ve griped about mail carriers and trash […]

We’ve Got Winos in Our Parks!

Yeah, you heard me right. There’s a gang of winos hanging out in Deukmejian Park. “We’re not ‘winos.’ We’re ‘wineaux’!” says Stuart Byles, president of the newly formed Stonebarn Vineyard Conservancy. Their goal is to celebrate the historic practice of vineyard cultivation and winemaking in the Crescenta Valley. The Conservancy, in cooperation with the City […]