Making it a banner Christmas

It’s that most wonderful time of the year – when conservatives lament the ever-escalating “war on Christmas” and liberals/progressives ridicule the very idea that any such movement exists. The most recent skirmish in this ongoing cultural battle was waged early this month in Southlake, Tex., a suburban community northwest of Fort Worth. The local branch […]

Let’s party like it’s 1911

I had promised to continue my story of our own home-grown radical, Hugh Hardyman, but I need to take a brief detour to let you know about a celebration of something that doesn’t come around often – a local organization’s 100-year anniversary. The La Crescenta Woman’s Club hits the 100 year mark next year, having […]

The weather outside was delightful

Sitting here writing this, bundled against cold temperatures and cloudy skies, I am so grateful for last Saturday’s fantastic weather for the CVHS Prom Plus Holiday Tour of Homes. Temperatures hovered around 80 degrees and though some – like my friends Jim Chase and Mary O’Keefe – don’t typically appreciate the warm temps in December, […]


WARNING TO BE VIGILANT The catastrophic mutilation of the prized Moreton Bay Fig tree in La Crescenta is the latest in a series of debacles that have given rise to a reawakening in our community – a renewed and blistering realization that our heritage and aesthetic values remain completely vulnerable within unincorporated L.A. County. On […]

Turning the page(s) on the holidays

Had enough of gift catalogs yet? Does your kitchen table sag under the weight of them? Does your mail carrier glare malevolently at your house as he crams another 86 pounds of glossy, full-color catalogs into your mailbox? Mine does. In fact, I refuse to be anywhere near our mailbox when he arrives – there’s […]

La Crescenta’s contribution to the history of radical politics

We just went through a very divisive national election. But historically, we here in the Crescenta Valley are no strangers to divisive politics of national impact. As a matter of fact, our little community hosted one of the initial battles of Cold War domestic politics in the form of a minor face-off between members of […]

The season has officially started

The Montrose Christmas Parade was my official start to the holiday season and everything that means. On Saturday, we here at the CV Weekly were busy spiffing up our office for a ‘pre-parade’ open house and goodie giveaway. Our office faces Honolulu Avenue and for those preparing for the parade, we opened our picture window […]

(Not) Home for the holidays

I’ve written before about our two younger sons who left at the end of summer for different colleges – one to the south of here in San Diego and the other far to the north in Missoula, Montana. The difference in their respective choice of colleges and environments mirrors perfectly the distinction in the two […]

What’s so historic about that tree?

For those that have been following this story, here’s some of what we know about the much fought over Moreton Bay Fig Tree on Foothill Boulevard and the cool old house it fronts. Let’s go back to the original attraction for Easterners to the Crescenta Valley – the air. The clean dry air of the […]

Revving up for the holidays

I write this with a comfortably full tummy. For us, the Thanksgiving celebration lasted four days and was definitely a time to be thankful. We hosted family and friends not only for the grand dinner on Thursday, but again on Sunday to celebrate the 18th birthday of our youngest. Yes, time does fly by. On […]