Celebrating the brotherhood of veterans

Today, Veterans Day, gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect on the sacrifices that have been made for America by our citizens. Whether that sacrifice results in the completion of a time commitment to serve a minimum of two years or ends with the ultimate sacrifice, these soldiers go where they are told in […]

Letters to the editor

CITY COUNCIL HEARD AND RESPONDS In a recent edition of the CV Weekly, I read with interest Scott Ziegler’s letter to the editor titled “Flirting With Disaster In Montrose” [Viewpoints, Oct. 21] and thought that his observations and comments deserved a response. The issue of speeding in the Montrose Shopping Park is not new.  Vehicles […]

Of bullies and ballots

Bullying is in the news a lot these days. It’s the subject of national news exposés, of town hall meetings, of school board initiatives and considerable public debate as it should be. We live in a culture that is increasingly crass, crude and overtly aggressive and many good people wonder how we got to this […]

My picks for CV Town Council

As much as I am passionate about our community’s past, I am more passionate about its future. For those of us that live in the unincorporated county section of La Crescenta, the key to our future is in the hands of the Crescenta Valley Town Council, an elected group of volunteers that is our only […]

Savoring our triumphs

Talk about walking on a cloud! Last Thursday night, Oct. 28, I had the honor of not only being a recipient but also a presenter at the annual Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce Recognition Banquet. The event was held at one of my favorite venues, the Angeles National Golf Club in Sunland. I’m not a […]

Out of touch, out of my mind

by Jim CHASE One of the best-written, consistently funny sitcoms on TV is Modern Family. On last week’s episode, a subplot had one the show’s featured fictional families, Phil and Claire Dunphy and their three kids, in a contest with each other to see who could go without their electronic devices the longest period of […]

Historical status for old homes?

by Mike LAWLER An upcoming fun local event is the Crescenta Cañada Historic Home Tour on Saturday, Nov. 6, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. We’re calling it the “Sticks and Stones” tour because the native construction materials used in these early local houses are wood and rock. On this tour we’ll be showing some […]

The laugh of a child: It really is a thing of beauty.

A week ago Steve and I traveled up north in a motorhome with our son, his wife and our granddaughter who is just 7 months old. The baby was a good traveler, rarely fussing about being on the road so many hours. But while it is rewarding to have a content child, there is a […]

Letters to the editor

FLIRTING WITH DISASTER IN MONTROSE There seems to be a growing trend in the Montrose Shopping Park that has me very concerned for the safety of local residents. I have lived within a block of Honolulu Avenue for nearly eight years and my family and I walk through the shopping park several times a week. […]

The long and short of hair

By Jim CHASE On one of our recent walks through the Foothills, my wife and I began to notice how many hair salons there were along the street. As we passed one salon after the other, we got to talking about how many of them we could recall throughout Montrose, La Crescenta and La Canada. […]