Back to school like never before

Like countless parents across the country the past two weeks, my wife and I dropped off our two kids for the first time at their new schools. Unlike most, however, it took a considerable amount of driving to accomplish the task. For example, it was a 270-mile round-trip to deliver our youngest son to his […]

Tuna Camp and the Medal of Honor

Our little slice of WWII history, now known as Verdugo Hills Golf Course but once the site of “Tuna Camp,” a temporary holding pen for Japanese, German and Italian nationals, has a connection to our nation’s highest military honor, the Congressional Medal of Honor. My day job at Honda’s corporate headquarters puts me in touch […]

Oh, how time flies

This week marks the one year anniversary of the Crescenta Valley Weekly. Let me say that this past year has flown by. For those who don’t know, the CV Weekly was born of the ashes of the Crescenta Valley Sun, a noble undertaking purchased by the Los Angeles Times and subsequently closed down like the […]

What a difference a year makes

A lot of things can and do happen in a year. Good things and bad things. Funny and sad. Some are exciting. Most, mundane. Some things you plan for and others catch you completely unprepared. Being a writer, I think a lot (far too much at times). One question I seem to wonder about often […]

The bizarre international prisoners of Tuna Camp

Next in our series on the history of the land that was once the WWII enemy alien prison “Tuna Camp,” but is now the Verdugo Hills Golf Course, comes the bizarre and bewildering story of the odyssey of the Peruvian Japanese. With the 1942 decision to remove those of Japanese ancestry from strategic areas of […]

Letters to the editor

CONGRESSMAN OFFERS CONGRATS I would like to offer congratulations to the Crescenta Valley Weekly on the first anniversary of your community-based newspaper. Yours is a real family operation that has served the community well with your great reporting and insights on the local issues that matter. I have enjoyed working with all of your staff […]

Though the smoke has cleared, the heat remains

Hard to believe that a year has passed since the devastation that was the Station Fire. In some ways it seems a life time ago; in others like it was yesterday. Controversy still swirls around the circumstances regarding how the Station Fire became the inferno that it did. On that Wednesday night on Aug. 26 […]


MARKET ASSESSMENT Mary Dawson’s article regarding the Sunday Montrose Harvest Market [“Summer Bounty at the Montrose Harvest Market,” July 22] was on the money. Besides what the vendors sell there are some wonderful people who work there. Louie the avocado man will sell you right on ripe fruit or one that you can wait a […]

Not so happy anniversary

A whole year, already? Has it really been a year since the first tendrils of smoke curled skyward near the ranger station up Angeles Crest Highway? Since the gathering sirens of first responders broke the late summer stillness that usually hangs heavily over the Crescenta Valley? Looking at the hills above us, you’d think the […]

Wartime stories of Tuna Camp

Let’s get back to our story on the Verdugo Hills Golf Course and its previous incarnation as WWII enemy alien camp. Conditions in the camp were good by wartime standards, particularly to a population that was used to Depression era privations. The prisoners were allowed free range of the enclosure, exercise was encouraged, and some, […]