Expectations from CV Town Council I get asked the same three questions about CV Town Council: What is it? What do we do? Why be a Councilmember? CVTC is 12 elected members that volunteered to be the voice of the community. Every year, six positions become available. Is it your turn? The Council is confronted […]

In the swim of things

Appropriately enough for the month of August, I’ve been thinking about swimming. Not that I’m even close to being a decent swimmer – as I mentioned in last week’s column. More than one lifeguard has, I’m sure, had to begrudgingly look away from the bronzed and bikinied bodies on the beach in order to keep […]

Oopsy! Developer makes a “mistake”!

Once again a developer is caught making a “mistake” that favors him financially. I’m referring to the three-story office development on Foothill Boulevard that was recently revealed to have a basic “error” in its design that allowed the developer a much taller building than was legal. I’ve written previously about how the bulldozers showed up […]

Debate or eliminate?

Big news – at least for me – on Tuesday was the announcement by “Dr. Laura”  Schlessinger that she is going to give up her radio program at the end of the year. This news came on the heels of an apparent diatribe by her last week on her radio program with a liberal peppering […]


CHASE PROVIDES A CHUCKLE I just had to write to say that Jim Chase’s column was hilarious [“Charity begins … at the supermarket?” July 15, My Thoughts Exactly]. It was his all time best. Every word of it was so true because we all go through this every time we go to the markets.  And […]

Swimming against the tide

Unlike my wife, I’ve never wished that our home had a pool. Maybe that’s because she grew up with one in her backyard and I didn’t. I just remember hearing my dad say time and time again that pools were nothing but a hole in the ground that you keep throwing money into. Or that […]

Verdugo Hills Golf Course and the prison for enemy aliens

In my self-appointed role of local historian I’ve often said that although the Crescenta Valley has a relatively short written history, barely over 100 years, we make up for that with a dynamic history that reads like a supermarket tabloid. Its pages are filled with stories of UFOs, Nazis, grisly murders, sex scandals, racial prejudice, […]

The guts to give it a try

Robin Goldsworthy from the desk of the publisher On Sunday I attended service at a local church. After the band played, the congregation was shown a video of some of the church members who had traveled to the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. The district is similar to Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles, populated […]

Pondering work ethics and external influences

On Saturday night, I had the chance to go to the movies to see “Inception” courtesy of Johnny Harrison at Lexus of Glendale. Johnny was kind enough to give movie passes to the executive board of Prom Plus to say thanks for all our hard work. What a guy – thank you, Johnny! The movie […]


La Cañada tops county’s life expectancy list As a resident of the Crescenta Valley, I was most happy to learn La Cañada Flintridge and La Crescenta topped the list of average life expectancy in the Los Angeles County. However, I felt one important organization was missing when describing the attributing factors to the longer life […]