Weather in the Foothills

By Sue KILPATRICK “A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken.” — James Dent Summer has finally arrived. I know June 21 was the official date, but the thunderheads over the mountains last weekend brought with them the feel […]

Green, but not with Envy

From the Desk of the Publisher By Robin Goldsworthy Much has been said about a home up on Markridge Road that is painted a certain color green that has been called everything from garish to gross. I learned about the house a few weeks ago from a friend with whom I was having dinner at […]

Charity begins at … the grocery store?

My thoughts, Exactly By Jim Chase I used to look forward to grocery shopping and have always found it enjoyable to shop for our family. In fact, my wife and I often joke about turning trips to the grocery store into a “date” that allows us to spend time together. Are we fun, or what? […]

Hoping for action from CV Town Council

Treasures of the Valley By Mike Lawler This has been one of the most frustrating weeks I’ve experienced in years. The situation with the “surprise” three-story development on the vacant lot on Foothill across from Ralphs has been exasperating for me and for the community, and potentially life-threatening for the historic tree next door. To […]

Letters to the editor:

Appreciates columnist Each week I look forward to Mike Lawler’s column, Treasures of the Valley. Mike’s June 25 column did not disappoint. In the length  of one column he spanned generations of our valley’s history, painting a picture of how the valley evolved. I emphasize ‘generations’ because that is what makes the Crescenta Valley unique […]

my Thoughts, exactly: As long as they call

By Jim CHASE As I mentioned several weeks ago, my family has been waiting expectantly for our daughter and son-in-law to give birth to their first child, our fourth grandchild. The big event happened last week, and … it’s a girl! Welcome to the world and to our family, little Bailey Brooke Kuehn. It may […]

Letters policy

Letters policy Crescenta Valley Weekly welcomes letters from the community. We must request that letters be limited to 350 words. Letters can be mailed to Crescenta Valley Weekly; P.O. Box 543; Verdugo City, CA 91046 or email Include your name, address, phone number and email information (if applicable). Letters need to be received no […]

Letters to the editor

Not happy with review Shame on Ted Ayala for his churlish portrayal of the West Covina Symphony Orchestra [“A Road Trip to the Inland Empire with Rimsky-Korsakoff, Liszt, Sibelius, and Prokofiev,” Leisure, June 10] (“….exposed the WCSO’S lapses in intonation….to avoid having the orchestra fall apart….brass….blaring out and drowning….clattery sounding piano….pallor of the orchestral body….”). […]

From one to none

Last Friday as the sun set behind the Verdugo Mountains which tower over the baseball diamond at Stengel Field, a door closed. A long and storied season officially ended for my family. After 24 continuous years, we no longer have a child in the Glendale Unified School District. I’m sure that, the rooted nature of […]