The Historic Oak of Deukmejian Park

Last Saturday Glendale reopened part of Deukmejian Park. I urge you to hike up to the massive oak tree, to view the rebirth of what had been a scorched landscape. That oak has seen a lot of our history. This is how it may have gone. Imagine that 250 years ago a small group of […]

Filling those lazy days of summer

We’re barely into summer and friends of mine with school-aged children are already hearing those dreaded words: I’m bored. These are the same children who, not a week ago, were doing the happy dance that school was out! Summer’s here! I can sleep in! Now it’s, “There’s nothing to do,” and “Can you take me […]


Praise for Evans For 36 years, Linda Evans has given her time, energy and creativity to make Crescenta Valley High School one of the best public schools in the country. Crescenta Valley High School has been and continues to be the heart and center of our community.  Over the years, we have celebrated and rejoiced […]

As you graduate high school

Tomorrow at 5:30 in the afternoon – in the usual, oppressive mid-June heat – our fourth and youngest kid will walk across the well-trodden grass of Stengel Field to accept his diploma affirming graduation from Crescenta Valley High School. Although I know many pairs of eyes are reading along, I direct the following thoughts specifically […]

The Lost Indian Village of the Crescenta Valley

The earliest history of the site we know today as the Verdugo Hills Golf Course is shrouded in mystery. It’s the same mystery that cloaks all pre-European human history in the Crescenta Valley. The conspiracy between the culture of the people that lived here (specifically the physical elements of their lives) and the geologic forces […]

Gearing up for fireworks

From the desk of the publisher, Robin Goldsworthy Let’s face it – few things say “celebration” like fireworks. And fewer still capture the celebratory spirit of our country’s independence like a good old-fashioned fireworks show. We’re so lucky here in the Crescenta Valley. Not only do we have a dynamic fireworks show, but a carnival […]

Letters to the Editor

Dear President Obama: The Congress of the United States, by Joint Resolution on June 9, 1966 approved H.J. Resolution 763 proclaiming the week in which the 14th occurs as National Flag Week, and the same Resolution requested that the President is to issue every year a proclamation and also to call upon citizens of the […]

Pampering diaper divas

Last week I wrote about being overwhelmed with too many choices while shopping for baby paraphernalia at a specialty store in Glendale. Who knew there had been so many leaps and bounds in toddler technology since my own kids were certified curtain climbers some 25 years ago – give or take a gray hair or […]

Developer plays chicken with community over golf course

Last week I wrote about the Indian village of Wikangna, and how its assumed location was the current site of the Verdugo Hills Golf Course. That got me musing on the bad situation currently at the golf course. The developers that now own the golf course have been forced into a game of chicken with […]

Thinking of and thanking our departing school staff

From the desk of the publisher By Robin Goldsworthy As we approach the end of the school year, which for some has already arrived, it’s with a bit of melancholy that I reflect on those changes that are taking place within our district. While the teachers union and the school board battle it out, debating […]