Letter to the editor:

Offer Ideas for Rockhaven I would like to offer a suggestion for Rockhaven as the city proceeds with its preliminary plans. Rockhaven, with its sprawling, treed grounds, provided a sanctuary for women who needed care and compassion. It was conceived of and existed as an alternative that was superior to what was available for mental […]

Oh baby, how things have changed

» Jim Chase Our daughter and son-in-law will be having their first baby just about one month from today. Although it will be our fourth grandchild, it will be the first to live within an easy drive from us. You see, our other three grand-munchkins live heart-wrenchingly far away in Hawaii. My wife and I […]

Rediscovering our lost history — Indians of the Foothills

It is my ultimate frustration as a local historian to have such a wealth of information on our last two centuries in CV, yet have almost nothing on the thousands of years of human history before that. Our first inhabitants, the Tongva Indians, hunted, camped, established villages, lived entire lives of tragedy and triumph, right […]

What a full weekend in Crescenta Valley!

Robin Goldsworthy from the desk of the publisher Montrose was host to a variety of activities. In addition to taking care of the girls getting ready for La Cañada and Crescenta Valley high school proms on Saturday, Kim and Kris and their crew at Merle Norman Cosmetics worked their magic on Joycie Dungca, the lovely […]

Letters to the editor

RE: Larger Class Sizes There is concern by public school parents over larger class sizes coming this fall in the Glendale schools. While public schools are tuition free, parents do have alternatives. Right here in La Crescenta, two new approaches to private, Catholic schools will start in the fall, located on two sites, K– 4th […]

Popcorn and pollution

When I was a kid, I knew that Dial hand soap tasted terrible, but that Irish Spring was even worse. And don’t even mention the aptly named Lava brand. You see, my siblings and I got our mouths washed out with soap for certain verbal infractions that included swearing and/or talking back to our parents. […]

Fifty and still counting

From the desk of the publisher Robin GOLDSWORTHY What a wonderful Memorial Day weekend we’re expecting! The weather is supposed to be gorgeous – perfect for barbecues and outside dining. But as much as I plan on enjoying this California weekend, I’m going to be a little melancholy, too. This Sunday, May 30 is my […]

The Bandito of Horse Thief Pass

It may not surprise you, but Los Angeles has a history of lawlessness. In the period after California entered the Union, from about 1850 to the late 1870s Los Angeles was ruled by outlaws and vigilantes, boasting a murder rate inconceivable by today’s standards. In some years of that period our per capita murder rate […]

Letter to the Editor

Many Crescenta Valley residents know that there has been an effort to extend the 710 freeway northward to the 210 freeway for 60 years. There has also been a battle to defeat this effort and to reclaim the 500 homes that are still owned by Caltrans. The City of South Pasadena has led this fight […]

If u r rdng ths & drvng pls stp by Jim Chase

So where was I? Oh, right. In my column two weeks ago I opened up the whole driving-while-talking-on-a-handheld-wireless-phone can of worms. Since then, it seems that things have gotten worse. Now, apparently, you don’t even need a car to be a dangerous cellphone user. A few days ago I was driving down my long driveway […]