And everyone ate

Robin Goldsworthy from the desk of the publisher Excuse me while I loosen my belt. Last Sunday’s annual Taste of Montrose event was held along Honolulu Avenue. More than 20 restaurants participated in this fundraiser for CVHS Prom Plus. Every type of food – and dessert – imaginable was served up. This is one of […]

Celebrating our kids

By Robin Goldsworthy I know that lately we have been spotlighting the drug issues that are facing our community. I firmly believe that this type of reporting is not only a necessity, but the responsibility of a community newspaper. Unfortunately the seriousness of the story can eclipse the positive things that are happening in the […]

Merry what-mas?

On the Friday before the last Saturday of any given April, the northbound freeways out of southern California are choked with SUVs and pickup trucks towing boat trailers and loaded to the gills with work-weary fishermen headed for the same general destination – the streams, reservoirs and lakes of California’s Eastern Sierra mountains. If you […]

Crescenta Valley in the arena

Teddy Roosevelt in his famous “Man in the Arena” speech comments on the duties of citizens in a democracy: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who […]

Trains that go nowhere, and everywhere

I ask your  forgiveness if I nod off while writing this week’s column. (Or even worse, if YOU fall asleep while reading it.) That’s because my wife and I have just had the long-delayed, much-anticipated, highlight-of-the-year pleasure of having our son, his wife and our three grandkids (ages 20 months to 4 years) stay with […]

Local development loose ends

There are a few loose ends locally that I’d like to bring readers up to speed on. The unfinished multifamily project in the 3100 block of Montrose Ave. that I reported on a couple months ago appears to have turned a corner. The residents were upset because the half-built project appeared abandoned, leaving construction trash, […]

Nothing like a fair

By Robin Goldsworthy The sun could not be any sunnier nor the crowd any friendlier than those found at the Hometown Country Fair last Saturday. This was the fourth fair that the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce has hosted for the community and I have been involved with all four. I sit on the chamber […]

Being agents of change

It was a sobering experience (no pun intended) sitting in the fourth floor council room of Verdugo Hills Hospital on Tuesday evening. I arrived late to the forum hosted by the CV Drug and Alcohol Prevention Coalition. The forum was an information gathering opportunity for local parents, many of whom came with their children to […]

Letters to the Editor

GLENDALE EMPLOYEES: CAN WE AFFORD THEM? For the past two years the Glendale City Council has been aware of the financial difficulties of this city, county, state and country. It answered our financial problems by slashing city services, raising utility fees, parking fees, library fees, rubbish fees, etc. Also, we have passed bonds and approved, […]

Clark Magnet High School – Who was Clark anyway?

The Crescenta Valley, because of its location, has been fortunate in having some of the great names in America as residents. Being near Hollywood and the entertainment industry has supplied us with a never-ending stream of famous names, and the proximity to Disney made us home to some of the greatest animators of all time. […]