Mud flow, debris flow…what’s the difference?

Mike Lawler I’ve found myself explaining to my “flatlander” friends the dramatic difference between a mud flow – which is what we mostly saw last weekend – and a debris flow, which caused the large-scale destruction of lives and property in 1934. I think most of us understand the ground we’ve built our homes on. […]

Caught by surprise: the flood of 2010

By Robin Goldsworthy Devastation that we had hoped we would never see but most of us prepared for did indeed happen this weekend. With heavier than expected rains pelting the foothill area, the Mullally debris basin overflowed sending torrents of mud and gunk into the Sagebrush area of La Cañada. At present, more than 40 […]

Letters to the editor

FOND OF THE CV WEEKLY I just wanted you to know how much I look forward to receiving the CV Weekly.  It is always interesting and quite readable. You have put together a great staff that is doing a terrific job of helping you to grow the paper and I look forward to subscribing for […]

Windows on wonder

By Jim CHASE Due to an ongoing problem with motor vehicles in our family (too many drivers, not enough vehicles) the past couple of months, I’ve had the somewhat regular pleasure of driving my wife to her workplace in La Cañada. In addition to the opportunity to spend some uninterrupted minutes with each other at […]

Enjoying all that the Valley has to offer

By Robin GOLDSWORTHY Last weekend sure started off with a bang! At 2:30 on Friday afternoon I found myself, along with a strong showing of other foothill residents and local dignitaries, on the patio outside our brand new library. The years of hard work and dedication by so many culminated with the official opening on […]

Oh well…goodbye, Indian Springs well!

I got a couple of calls last week from concerned locals about the disappearance of the little decorative well at the entrance to the Indian Springs Shopping Center on Verdugo Road, just east of Montrose. Man, I love that kind of vigilance! The first sign of a community in peril is the unchallenged demolition of […]

Dark clouds brighten my day

My Thoughts, exactly » Jim Chase If you’ve seen a friendly, middle-aged guy around town the past week or two with a ginormous grin stretching from ear to ear, that would most likely be me. Why? Because it has been raining, of course. A lot. And as my wife, kids, relatives, neighbors, UPS driver, people […]

VIEWPOINTS – Letters to the Editor

Letters policy Crescenta Valley Weekly welcomes letters from the community. We must request that letters be limited to 350 words. Letters can be mailed to Crescenta Valley Weekly; P.O. Box 12269; La Crescenta, CA 91224 or e-mail Please include your name, address, phone number and e-mail information (if applicable). We need to receive your […]

We (still) love them yeah, yeah, yeah!

By Jim CHASE Once, when I was in not yet in my teens, I spent a precious dollar of my meager allowance to buy a 45 rpm record of the Beatles’ “She Loves You.” I lovingly carried it home from Grayson’s Tune Town like I had purchased the Holy Grail itself. I played that small […]

Making pies for peace

By Mike LAWLER A few years ago, when my third daughter Annie was obsessed with cooking, we indulged her passion with a few cooking classes. She really did learn some lifelong skills, and isn’t afraid to whip up anything now that she’s a teen. One of her more successful classes was in making pies under […]